Inventory Transactions to Journals

Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector can create journals in Accounting from relevant inventory transaction perpetual records in Order and Inventory Management.

For more information about these objects, see the following:

Eligible Inventory Transactions

For a journal to be created, the value of the Inventory Transactions field of the perpetual record must be one of the following:

  • "Accrual Reversal"
  • "Add Logistics Cost"
  • "Add Service Cost"
  • "Adjust Current Value"
  • "Allocate Production Order Items"
  • "AP Voucher Credit"
  • "Bill Drop Ship Item"
  • "Confirm Production Order Pick-list"
  • "Credit Drop Ship Item"
  • "Credit Use Tax"
  • "Cycle Count"
  • "Inspection Reject Return Parts to Vendor"
  • "Inspection Reject Scrap Parts"
  • "Issue Customer Items Pick-list"
  • "Issue Production Order Pick"
  • "Issue Supplier Items Pick-list"
  • "Item Changed Ownership"
  • "Item Transfer Inbound"
  • "Item Transfer Outbound"
  • "Manufacture Item"
  • "Miscellaneous Issue"
  • "Miscellaneous Receipt"
  • "PPV"
  • "Receive Customer Returned Material"
  • "Receive Exchanged Items (Cores)"
  • "Receive Purchased Material"
  • "Removed from Inventory - Consumed in Service Purchase Order"
  • "Reverse Receive Customer Returned Material"
  • "Reverse Receive Purchased Material"
  • "Reverse Production Order Allocation"
  • "Scrap Inventory"
  • "Use Tax"
  • "Void PPV"
  • Custom inventory transaction type

Automatically Populated Fields

When inventory transactions are created, Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector automatically populates certain fields that are required for creating a journal. The tables below provide more information.

Inventory Transaction Perpetual Records

Fields Automatically Populated on an Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record
Field Description
Accounting Company

Determined as follows:

  • If the Accounting Company field of the related ICP is defined, that company is used.
  • If the Company Name field is defined for the related purchase order, this is set to the Accounting company with the same name. Depending on the type of perpetual record, it might be linked directly to a purchase order or through an AP voucher.
Accounting Currency

Set to the Accounting currency that belongs to the Accounting company has the same ISO code as one of the following currencies:

  • The currency of the ICP of the warehouse to which the related purchase order belongs.
  • The currency of the related purchase order.
Journal Date

Determined as follows:

  • If the value of the Inventory Transactions field is "Bill Drop Ship Item", this is set to the Invoice Date field from the related invoice.
  • If the value of the Inventory Transactions field is "PPV" or “Accrual Reversal”, this is set to the Invoice Date field from the related AP voucher.
  • Otherwise, this is set to the date on which the perpetual record was created.

Journal Type

The Journal Type field is determined based on the value of the Inventory Transactions field on the perpetual record. The table below provides more information.

Inventory Transactions to Journal Type Mappings
Inventory Transactions Journal Type
"Bill Drop Ship Item" "SCM Drop Ship Journal"
"Credit Drop Ship Item"
"Accrual Reversal" "SCM Procurement Journal"
"AP Voucher Credit"
"Use Tax"
"Void PPV"
"Add Logistics Cost" "SCM Inventory Journal"
"Add Service Cost"
"Adjust Current Value"
"Allocate Production Order Items"
"Confirm Production Order Pick-list"
"Cycle Count"
"Inspection Reject Return Parts to Vendor"
"Inspection Reject Scrap Parts"
"Issue Customer Items Pick-list"
"Issue Production Order Pick"
"Issue Supplier Items Pick-list"
"Item Changed Ownership"
"Item Transfer Inbound"
"Item Transfer Outbound"
"Manufacture Item"
"Miscellaneous Issue"
"Miscellaneous Receipt"
"Receive Customer Returned Material"
"Receive Exchanged Items (Cores)"
"Receive Purchased Material"
"Removed from Inventory - Consumed in Service Purchase Order"
"Reverse Production Order Allocation"
"Reverse Receive Customer Returned Material"
"Reverse Receive Purchased Material"
"Scrap Inventory"

Inventory Transaction Financial Records

The General Ledger Account field on inventory transaction financial records is populated from related records or from GL account mapping records. The table below provides more information about how the connector determines the general ledger account from records related to the financial record.

Conditions for Populating the General Ledger Account Field on an Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record
Conditions Value
  • The value of the GL Account field is "PPV".
  • The value of the Inventory Transactions field of the related perpetual record is "PPV".
  • The related purchase order line item is of type "Category".

Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > Category > Purchase Analysis GLA for Category

  • The value of the GL Account field is "Expenses".
  • The related purchase order line item is of type "Capital Equipment".

Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > General Ledger Account


Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > Item Being Procured > Product Group > Product > Purchase Analysis Account

  • The value of the GL Account field is "Expenses" or "AP Liability".
  • The related purchase order line item is of type "Description".

Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > General Ledger Account


Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > Item Being Procured > Product Group > Product > Purchase Analysis Account

  • The value of the GL Account field is "Expenses".
  • The related purchase order line item is of type "Category".

Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > General Ledger Account


Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > Category > Purchase Analysis GLA for Category

  • The value of the GL Account field is "Inventory".
  • The value of the Inventory Transactions field of the related perpetual record is "Removed from Inventory - Consumed in Service Purchase Order".
Inventory Transaction > Purchase Order Line Item > Item Being Procured > Product Group > Inventory GLA
  • The value of the GL Account field is "Inventory".
  • The value of the Inventory Transactions field of the related perpetual record is not "Removed from Inventory - Consumed in Service Purchase Order".
Inventory Transaction > Item Master > Product Group > Inventory GLA
The value of the GL Account field is "Cost of Goods Sold". Inventory Transaction > Item Master > Product Group > Cost of Goods Sold GLA
The value of the GL Account field is "Miscellaneous". Inventory Transaction > Reason Code > General Ledger Account

In all remaining cases, the General Ledger Account field is determined from the relevant GL account mapping records. For more, see Mapping Order and Inventory Management GL Accounts to Accounting General Ledger Accounts.

Creating Journals from Inventory Transactions

You can create journals from inventory transactions in several ways:


The following table lists how fields on the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record object map to the relevant fields on the Journal object. In some cases, the connector provides static values.


Your administrator might have changed the default mappings or added custom mappings.

Default Mappings between Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Fields and Journal Fields
Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Field Static Value Journal Field
Accounting Company   Company
Accounting Currency   Journal Currency
AP Voucher > Period   Period
Journal Date   Journal Date
Journal Type   Type
Inventory Transactions   Journal Description
Inventory Transactions   Reference
Record ID   Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record
  Deselected (false) Derive Currency
  Selected (true) Derive Period

Once a journal is created from a perpetual record, the Export Status field on the perpetual record is set to "Exported" and the Journal field is populated with the newly created journal.


When you create a journal from Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record with the value "PPV" or "Accrual Reversal", it checks first if the period of the related AP Voucher is populated. If it is populated and not closed, the journal is created without error. If the period is not populated, it checks the journal date which is automatically populated from the invoice date of the related AP Voucher.

Line Items

When creating the journal, inventory transaction financial records are used to create journal line items.

The following table lists how fields on the Inventory Transaction Financial Record object map to the relevant fields on the Journal Line Item object. In some cases, the connector looks up information from related records or provides static values.

Default Mappings between Inventory Transaction Financial Record Fields and Journal Line Item Fields
Inventory Transaction Financial Record Field Static Value Journal Line Item Field
GL Account   Line Description
General Ledger Account   General Ledger Account
ICP Value Amount   Value
Inventory Transaction > Item > Product Group > Dimension 1   Dimension 1
Inventory Transaction > Item > Product Group > Dimension 2   Dimension 2
Inventory Transaction > Item > Product Group > Dimension 3   Dimension 3
Inventory Transaction > Item > Product Group > Dimension 4   Dimension 4
Record ID   Inventory Transaction Financial Record
  "General Ledger Account" Line Type