Creating a Supplier Site

ERP Cloud

To create a supplier site:

  1. Click the Supplier Sites tab and click New.
  2. Enter a supplier site name.
  3. Enter the name of the parent organization.
  4. Enter the supplier site type.
  5. Enter the supplier site classification.
  6. Select the Active checkbox if the supplier is available for trade.
  7. Select the payment term you want to associate with this supplier from the drop-down list.
  8. Click Save.

The Active checkbox indicates that the supplier is available for trade and can be associated with an appropriate process flow. This means that open or approved requisitions, purchase orders, purchase agreements, receipts, AP vouchers and AP voucher credits can be associated with the supplier. You can deactivate the supplier by removing the Active checkbox in the Supplier Site Detail page. However, you can't deactivate a supplier that is currently associated with active transactions.

Placing a Supplier Site on Temporary Hold

To place a supplier site on temporary hold:

  1. Click the Supplier Sites tab and select the required list view.
  2. Click the supplier site you want to place on temporary hold.
  3. On the supplier site page, click Edit.
  4. In the Temporary Hold field, select an option from the drop-down list.
  5. [Optional] In the Reason for Temporary Hold field, enter the reason why you are placing the supplier site on temporary hold.
  6. Click Save.

You can only place a supplier site on temporary hold if:

  • The supplier site has no associated purchase orders.
  • All the purchase orders associated with the supplier site have a status of "Cancelled" or "Closed".

Once you place a supplier site on temporary hold it won't be available for selection when creating a new purchase order from the Purchase Orders tab.

Removing the Temporary Hold

To remove the temporary hold from a supplier site edit the supplier site as indicated in the steps above and in the Temporary Hold field select "None" to leave the field blank.