Action Queues Receiving Tab

ERP Cloud

The Receiving tab is accessible from the Action Queues app in Lightning Experience and you can use:

Access the Receiving tab from the Action Queues app in Lightning Experience.

You can use the Receiving tab:

  • To confirm the receipt of the internal inbound transfer requests for the material transfer.
  • To view the “Approved” purchase orders and create receipts.
  • To view the customer returns against associated sales orders for respective customer accounts along with values of returned goods and warehouse information.
  • To view the customer exchanges associated with sales order line item for respective purchase order line item along with values of quantity received and status.

The Receiving tab includes the following sections:

Internal Inbound Transfer Tab

The internal inbound transfer grid lists the transfer requests received for the transfer of material from one warehouse to another for the same company. You can select one or more transfer requests and click Confirm to confirm their receipt. The confirmed transfer requests are removed from the Internal inbound transfer grid. Once the transfer request is confirmed the status changes to "Shipment Complete".

  • Only transfer requests that have the status as "Shipped Pending Receipt" and Record Type as "Transfer" are listed in the grid and can be confirmed.
  • To access the Receiving tab, ensure the OIM - Manage Inventory Transfers Permission set is configured for the User.

You can access the Receiving tab from the Action Queues app in Lightning Experience.

To preview the transfer request information associated with a transfer request, click the drop down towards the right of the transfer record and select View Details.

For more information on the Internal Inbound Transfer field sets, see Shipping Field Sets.

Purchase Order Tab

The Purchase Order grid lists all the “Approved” purchase orders.

Note: To access the Receiving - Purchase Order tab, ensure that you have configured the OIM - Process Acquisitions permission set.

Creating Receipts from the Purchase Order Tab

To create a receipt:

  1. Select a purchase order and click Create Receipt to create a receipt for a purchase order.

    You can only create a receipt for one purchase order at a time.

  2. In the Create Receipt window, you can update the receiving quantity, serial numbers, and lot numbers. For lines with serialized or lot-controlled items, enter the corresponding information in the Serial Numbers and Lot Numbers columns. For more information, see Adding Serial Numbers and Adding Lot Numbers.

  3. Select one or more line items to include in the receipt and click Save.

    The receipt is created and a link to the receipt is displayed in a message.

The functionality of the Create Receipt button is the same as in Purchase Orders. For more information, see Creating a Purchase Order Receipt.

To preview the purchase order information associated with a purchase order, click the drop-down towards the right of the purchase order record and select View Details.

For more information on the Internal Inbound Transfer field sets, see .

Customer Return Tab

The Customer Return grid lists all the customer return entries for the associated customer account.

Note: To access the Receiving - Customer Return tab, ensure the OIM - Process Customer Returns Permission set is configured for the user.

Creating Receipts from the Customer Return

To create a receipt:

  1. Select a customer return entry and click Create Receipt to create a receipt for a sales order. You can only create a receipt for single entry at a time.
  2. In the Create Receipt window, update the quantity received and serial numbers. For customer return lines with serialized items, enter the corresponding information in the Serial Numbers columns. For more information, see Adding Serial Numbers.
  3. Select one or more line items to include in the receipt and click Save.

Customer Exchange Tab

The Customer Exchange grid lists all the customer exchange entries for the associated sales and purchase order line item.

Note: To access the Receiving - Customer Exchange tab, ensure the OIM - Process Customer Return Permission set is assigned to the user.

Creating Receipts from Customer Exchange

To create a receipt:

  1. Select an exchange order entry and click Create Receipt to create a receipt for an exchange order. You can only create a receipt for a single entry at a time.
  2. In the Create Receipt window, update the receiving quantity in the Quantity Received field.
  3. Click Save.

The receipt is created and displayed in a success message.