Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Fields

The Invoice to BD Export Batch Control object provides details on the batch processes to export invoices and credit invoices as billing documents to Foundations. All fields on the Invoice to BD Export Batch Control object are read-only fields.

Here is a description of the fields on the Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Object.

Field Name Description
Apex Job ID Unique identifier of the batch Apex job associated with this batch control record.
Batch Process Lookup to the batch process record associated with this batch control record. The batch process record is automatically deleted when the batch process completes successfully.
Status The current status of the Invoice to Billing Document Export batch job.
Notification Type Type of notification sent when the process completes. This field is automatically populated based on the batch job results. Possible values are: Undefined, Successful, Failure, and Mixed (indicates a mix of successful and error logs).
Total Number of Aborts The total number of batch control logs with a log type of Abort for this batch control record.
Total Number of Errors The total number of batch control logs with a log type of Error for this batch control record.
Total Number of External The total number of batch control logs with a log type of External for this batch control record.
Total Number of Logs The total number of batch control logs for this batch control record.


Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Log Fields

The Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Log object provides information about the results of each execution of the batch job that exports invoices and credit invoices as billing documents. Depending on the number of invoices to be processed, a single batch process can result in several executions of the batch job, as the initial batch can be divided into smaller batches for performance purposes. The key details of each of these executions are registered in the Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Log. All fields on the Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Log object are read-only fields.

Here is a description of the fields on the Invoice to BD Export Batch Control Log Object.

Field Name Description
Batch Control Number The batch control record associated with this batch control log record.
Message The text message for this batch control log record. The message is included in the notification sent when the batch process completes. This field is automatically populated based on the batch job results.
Log Type Indicates the type of log. This field is automatically populated based on the batch job results. Possible values are: Error, Information, Abort, and External. A log type of External indicates external issues or a problem with governor limits.