Setting up Amount-Based Receiving

ERP Cloud

The Amount-Based Receiving feature enables users to receive category and description purchase order line items by amount instead of quantity. This section explains how to set up this feature in Order and Inventory Management.

Note: You must be signed in as the System Administrator to make the changes required to enable this feature.

Step 1: Assign Permissions

Ensure that the permission set below is assigned to the corresponding users.

Permission Set

Permission Set Assign To
OIM - Process Acquisitions
  • Users who will create purchase order receipts using Lightning.
  • Users who will create receipts for purchase order lines with amount-based receiving (only available for Lightning).

For information on how to assign permission sets, see Assigning and Removing Permission Sets.

  • If you are using your own permission sets, ensure that the Process Acquisitions custom permission is added to the required permission sets. The Create Receipt action on the Lightning Purchase Order Actions panel of purchase order detail pages will only be available to users with this custom permission. For information on how to add custom permissions to permission sets, search for "Enable Custom Permissions in Permission Sets" in the Salesforce Help.
  • The Process Acquisitions custom permission is included in the OIM - Process Acquisitions permission set. You don't need to assign the custom permission to your users if you already assigned the permission set to them.

Step 2: Activate the Lightning Record Page

Ensure that the Lightning record page listed below is activated. You can activate this page manually or via Feature Console. For more information on how to activate it manually, search for "Activate Lightning Experience Record Pages” in the Salesforce Help. For more information on how to update the page via Feature Console, see Updating Lightning Record Pages

Lightning Record Page

Lightning Record Page Description
Internal Purchase Order Lightning Page Default Internal Purchase Order Lightning Record Page
Note: If you are using your own custom Lightning record pages instead of the ones provided by Certinia, you must add the OIM Purchase Order Actions Lightning component to your own custom Lightning record page for purchase orders. This component includes the Create Receipt action that enables users to create purchase order receipts.

Step 3: Add Fields to Layouts

You must manually add the fields listed below to their corresponding page layouts.

Fields to Add to Layouts

Object Layout

Field to Add

Receipt Line Receipt Line Layout Amount
Purchase Order Line Item Purchase Order Description Layout Receive by Amount
Amount Received
Purchase Order Line Category Layout Receive by Amount
Amount Received
Note: If you are using your own custom layouts, ensure you add the Amount field to the corresponding layout for receipt lines and the Receive by Amount and Amount Received fields to the corresponding layouts for category and description purchase order lines.

Step 4: Configure the Field Set

The Purchase Order Receipt Line field set on the Purchase Order Line Item object determines which fields are included in the grid that is displayed when clicking Create Receipt on a purchase order. Ensure that you add the fields that your users require to this field set.

For information on how to add or remove fields from a field set, search for "Creating and Editing Field Sets" in the Salesforce Help.

We recommend that you add the fields listed below to the field set so that you users can view the most relevant amount fields when receiving by amount.

Recommended Field Set Fields

Object Field Set


Define Field as Required

Purchase Order Line Item Purchase Order Receipt Line Amount Received (SCMC__Amount_Received__c) No
Total Cost (SCMC__Total_Cost__c) No
Note: The amounts on the grid of the Create Receipt window do not show the currency code by default. If your users require the currency code to be visible on the grid, we recommend that you add the Currency field (SCMC__Currency_Master__c) on the Purchase Order related object to the field set.