Deliverable Recognition Method

The Deliverable revenue recognition method relates to projects and opportunities containing records that are recognized on delivery, for example Time and Materials projects or fixed price projects with deliverable milestones. Records from the objects listed in this topic, such as Expense and Milestone, are included in revenue forecast calculations.

A revenue forecast record is created for each monthly time period to store the values for each of the objects for use in Revenue Forecasting. For each revenue source, such as expenses, a revenue forecast type record is only created if there are qualifying records within the months spanning the project duration.

Records Included in Revenue Forecasting Calculations

Calculating Accurate Mid Month Forecasts

On the active revenue forecast setup record, you can select Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations and specify a cutoff day. Revenue Forecasting then excludes past scheduled hours that are not covered by timecards from calculations for the current monthly time period (forecasts run for other months are not affected). This means:

  • Scheduled work that never took place is excluded.
  • Forecast calculations exclude such scheduled work on a weekly basis instead of on a monthly basis, aligning with the typical timecard submission cadence.
  • Note:

    Forecasts are still generated monthly.

This setting brings the following benefits:

  • There is a smoother progression through the month, with no sudden change in forecasting values at month end.
  • You have a more accurate representation of the remaining planned work and the completed planned work for the current month. Forecasts run for other months are not affected.

The following rules apply:

  • Revenue Forecasting excludes scheduled hours that fall on or before the actuals cutoff day you select.
  • If the actual hours recorded for a day exceed the scheduled hours, Revenue Forecasting excludes all scheduled revenue for that day.
  • If an assignment uses a daily bill rate and there are actual hours from timecards for that day, Revenue Forecasting includes the day in the forecast as an actual day.

For more information, see Configuring Mid Month Forecasting Calculations (Deliverable and % Complete Revenue).

Calculating with Closed Periods

This section explains how the revenue forecasts are calculated when relevant records are marked as Deliverable and there are closed time periods within or after the project duration.


If a time period is closed and you subsequently run a revenue forecast for a project that spans that time period, any scheduled revenue from the closed time period is excluded from the revenue forecast. Revenue Forecasting only considers actuals for the closed time period.

Example for Deliverable Recognition Method