Field Relationships for Gantt Columns

Professional Services Cloud

When you add fields to the following field sets in the Project Task object, dependent columns are also added to the task grid:

The dependent columns follow the restrictions of the field set.

Hours Fields

The following hours-based fields are always read-only, and use the Estimated Time to Completion (Task) field in their formulas:

  • Projected Hours
  • Hours Remaining
  • Percent Complete (Hours)

For example, add the Projected Hours field to the Gantt Editable Custom Columns field set. In the task grid, the Projected Hours column is read-only, but the ETC column is editable.

Points Fields

The following points-based fields use the Points field in their formulas:

  • Points Complete
  • Points Remaining - Always read-only.
  • Percent Complete (Points)
We recommend that you add all points fields to the Gantt Editable Custom Columns field set.
You can add the Points field on its own, if needed.

If you add these points fields, other fields are also added and the columns displayed int he Gantt task grid.

Field Added

Other Fields Displayed

Points Complete Points
Percent Complete (Points)
Percent Complete (Points) Points
Points Complete
Points Remaining Points
Points Complete
Percent Complete (Points)