Creating a New Timecard

Professional Services Cloud
  1. From the Time Entry page, tap +.
  2. Tap New Timecard...
  3. Tap the Assignment.
    You can filter from a list of assignments.
  4. Depending upon your custom settings, you can select other related records such as Milestones, Methodologies, or Billable/Non-Billable for the entry.
    You can choose to bypass the related records by tapping the appropriate option (for example, No Milestones or No Methodologies)
  5. Tap the day of the week for the timecard entry.
  6. Enter your time and information in the Draft Timecard screen (options may differ if your organization uses custom field sets):
    • Enter hours at Time.
    • Tap the check-mark in Travel if the entry is travel time entry.
    • Enter any notes in Notes.

    Tap Week Notes to enter any notes for the week or view the Estimated Time to Completion (ETC) for the associated project.

  7. Tap Save to save or Cancel to cancel. Note the timecard is not saved until you tap Save.