You can use the Timecard Mobile Settings custom setting for PSA Mobile Timecards to control the indicated fields using custom field sets.
Assignment Fieldset Name
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the assignment views.
Assignment Search Fields
Defines a field set to use for searching on assignments in PSA Mobile Timecards. The value is the API name of the Assignment field set.
Supported field types include: String, MultiPicklist, Email, Picklist, TextArea, and URL.
Project Fieldset Name
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the project views.
Project Search Fields
Defines a field set to use for searching on projects in PSA Mobile Timecards. The value is the API name of the Project field set.
Supported field types include: String, MultiPicklist, Email, Picklist, TextArea, and URL.
Project Task Fieldset Name
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the project task views.
Show Submit Single Timecard Button
When true, a Submit button is visible on individual timecard header details. The default value is false.
Task Time Fieldset Name
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the task time views.
Monday Fields
Specifies the fields shown in the daily view for the indicated day. The value is the API name for a custom field set on the Timecard object specifying the fields to display.
Tuesday Fields
Wednesday Fields
Thursday Fields
Friday Fields
Saturday Fields
Sunday Fields
Weekly Fields
Specifies the fields shown in the weekly view. The value is the API name for a custom field set on the Timecard object specifying the fields to display.
To suppress display of a field, create an empty custom field set and set the custom setting to use the API name of the empty custom field set.