About Ops Edit Permission Controls

Professional Services Cloud

Ops Edit permission controls allow you to assign permissions to edit timecards and expenses after they have been approved or included in financials, but before the related billing event has been released.

To be able to edit timecards or expenses in this situation, you must have Ops Edit permissions on the RPGClosed of the project to which the timecard or expense relates. The diagram that follows shows the lifecycle of timecard and expenses and the permission controls required to edit them during each stage.


If you edit a timecard or an expense after the billing events have been generated for it, you must use the Recalc button on the billing event to which the expense or timecard relates. If you do not do this before attempting to release billing events, the action will fail with an error indicating that the related billing event item is out of sync with the timecard or expense record.

Once you have released the related billing event, you cannot edit fields on the timecard or expense that affect billing even if you have the Ops Edit permission control. To edit a timecard or expense in this situation you must first clear the billing data. This takes the timecard or expense back to a state before billing events were generated.

Whitelisted Fields

Depending on your timecard or expense workflow, timecard approvers do not normally have permission to edit timecard or expense records. You can configure PSA to allow approvers to edit certain fields of a timecard or an expense when they have been submitted for approval. For further information about these settings, see Permission Control Settings.