Editing in the Timeline

Professional Services Cloud

You can edit assignment hours using the Timeline in both the Project and Resource Planners.

Using Rapid Edit

To edit assignment hours per cell:

  1. Select Day, Week, Month, or Quarter in the Zoom picklist.
  2. Double-click a cell in the Timeline to edit. Edited assignment hours are based on the zoom level. For example, if you are in a week zoom level, the hours you edit are applied to the week.
  3. Press Enter to continue or use either the Tab key or right arrow key to move to the right in the row. Use the Shift + Tab keys or the left arrow key to move to the left in the row. You can change edit mode at any time between the Total hours constant and End date held constant modes. These correspond to the Hold total assignment hours constant setting in the Planners - Project and Planners - Resource custom settings.
  4. Save your changes.

You cannot navigate vertically using Tab or the arrow keys in the Timeline.

Any schedule exceptions in the zoom level view of assignment hours are overwritten by changes you make when editing in the Timeline.

All schedule exceptions for holidays are designated on the day level, not the hour level in Resource and Project Planners. Any day in a work calendar with more than zero hours counts as a working day in planners and is allocated hours when making changes to the timeline.

Stretching Assignment Schedules

You can drag the assignment bar horizontally to make changes to the entire assignment schedule.

To drag the assignment bar:

  1. Click the selected assignment bar on its left or right edge.
  2. Move the cursor left or right to decrease or increase the entire assignment schedule.
  3. Release the mouse to stop dragging.
  4. Click Save.