Region, Practice, and Group Plan Fields

Professional Services Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on a regionClosed, practiceClosed, or groupClosed plan.


* – Mandatory field
R – Read-only

Field     Description
Currency *   Currency of the plan.
Region/Practice/Group *   RPG to which the plan applies.
Region/Practice/Group Owner     Owner of the RPGClosed.
Region/Practice/Group Plan For     RPG name and time period name.
Start/End Date     Start/End Date of the RPG plan.
Time Period *   Time period to which the plan applies.
Time Period Type   R Type of time periodClosed to which the time period belongs.
Unique Name     Unique name of the RPG plan.


Field Description
Planned Bookings Planned numbers for the RPG in the time period.
Planned Billings
Planned External Costs
Planned Internal Costs
Planned Margin
Planned Revenue
Planned Utilization

These are fields are not validated (other than for format) or used in any formulae at this time; they are for simple planning purposes only. You can set Salesforce field-level security on these fields if required.