Resourcing Lightning Component Properties

Professional Services Cloud

This table lists the fields available in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the Resourcing Lightning component.

Field Description Default Value
Availability Display Format The format to display resource availability. Percentage
Column Field Set

The field set containing the custom columns to display in the Resourcing component. --None-- selects a default set of fields.

This setting enables you to determine different columns for each instance of the Resourcing component, for example, when using the component on multiple pages, or when using multiple instances of the component on the same page. You can determine the columns to suit your organization including adjusting their positions.

You can select an existing field set to control the columns you want to display in the Resource list. For example, the Assign Multiple Resources to Project Search Columns, which contains five fields by default.

Alternatively, you can select any Contact field set to control the columns displayed. For more information, see Contact Field Sets. Column width adjustments are maintained during Resource list user sessions, and also when you filter resources in the Resource Filter and click Reset, Clear, or Apply.


Column width adjustments are not maintained between PSA user sessions or when you reload the Resource Request Lightning page.

Compare Resources Contact Field Set

The field set that controls the contact fields displayed in the Compare Resources window. For more information, see Contact Field Sets.


We recommend that you do not add any Salesforce fields to the field set where their value is automatically generated. For example, Created By, or Created Date.

Default Scheduling Strategy The default scheduling strategy to display in the Scheduling Strategy field when you select a resource and click Manage Schedule. For more information, see Scheduling Strategies Overview and Using the Resourcing Lightning Component. Calculate End Date, Level Schedule
Show Margin Column If selected, a Margin column is displayed in the Resource Grid. Deselected