Entering Time Against Project Tasks

Professional Services Cloud

You can enter the time that you have spent on a particular task when your administrator has enabled the relevant setting. See the Task Time Entry Mode setting. If you are required to enter time against project tasks, we recommend that you enter your time on a daily basis.


When you enter time against a project task, the timecard hours may change depending on the task time entry mode that your administrator has chosen. See Task Time Entry Modes.

Your administrator may have configured additional fields to appear against tasks. See Task Time Field Sets.

When you click Done and not Save or Submit in the Edit Details area of Log a the Timecard with Task Time UI, you'll create a partially saved timecard with zero hours rather than hours matching the Task Time entered. We recommend you use the Time Entry page to enter time against tasks.

To enter time against a project task:

  1. Access the time entry page from the Time Entry page or Log a Timecard with Task Time link or button.
  2. Create or edit a timecard as described earlier.
  3. Depending on the time entry page, in the Tasks tab, select tasks to add to the timecard:
    • In the Time Entry page:
      1. In the timecard, click Add Tasks. The Select Tasks page opens.
      2. Select the tasks, and then click Add Tasks. The tasks are added to the timecard, ready for time entry.
    • In the Log a Timecard with Task Time page:
      1. Hover over the timecard, and click Edit Details. The Tasks tab opens.
      2. Click Select Tasks. The Select Project Tasks page opens.
      3. Select the tasks, and then click Save. The tasks are added to the timecard, ready for time entry.

If the task is part of a task hierarchy, you must expand the hierarchy before you can select the task.

Tasks that are closed for time entry are not listed.

If you cannot enter time against a summary task, contact your administrator. This function is controlled by the Allow Time Entry for Summary Task field in the Timecard Entry UI Global Settings.

To filter the list of tasks so that only those to which you have been assigned are listed, click My Tasks.

If the Restrict Task Based On Milestone custom setting is enabled, Limit to Tasks with Matching Milestone filters the list of tasks to those with matching milestones.

If the Restrict Task Based On Assignment custom setting is enabled, Limit to Tasks with Matching Assignment filters the list of tasks to those with a matching assignment.

If you cannot see the task to which you want to enter time against and you know the name of it, you can enter the first few characters of the task name in the search box. This filters the list of tasks on the task name that you enter.

  1. Enter the task time, as needed.

    Depending on the configuration of your org, when you click Copy From Previous Week, you might be able to select checkboxes to copy tasks and task hours. This speeds up time entry.

    For more information, see the related tasks and reference topics.

  2. [Optional] If additional fields are shown, enter the values for each task.
  3. [Optional] Depending on the time entry page, click Expand Tasks or Collapse Tasks as required to show or hide project tasks. Your administrator can configure this feature. See Hide Expand Tasks for more information.
  4. [Optional] Click the Project Task Notes cell to view and edit project task notes created using the Project Task Gantt. For more information about adding this field, See Notes and Task Time Field Sets.
  5. Click Save.