Services Billing Workspace

Professional Services Cloud

The Services Billing workspace contains the following components:

  • Global Navigation
  • Alerts
  • Counts
  • Standard Report Chart

Your administrator can customize Global Navigation, Counts and Alerts. For more information, see Customizable Lightning Components Overview .

The Services Billing links enable you to open the pages that are relevant to your role.


Alerts highlight important details about your billable records. To display a list of detailed records specific to each alert, click View Details.

The alert cards in the Billing Services workspace.

The following alerts are available in this workspace.

Name Description View Details
Overdue Milestones

The number of billable milestones that are targeted for completion this month or earlier that have no actual date recorded.

  • If the number is zero, the alert is highlighted as green.
  • If the number is above zero, the alert is highlighted as red.
Displays a list view of your overdue billable milestones.
Unapproved Timecards

Billable time that has been submitted but is awaiting approval.

  • If the number is zero, the alert is highlighted as green.
  • If the number is above zero, the alert is highlighted as red.
Displays a list view of your billable but unapproved timecards.
Missing Budgets

The number of active billable projects with a zero-amount bookings total.

  • If the number is zero, the alert is highlighted as green.
  • If the number is above zero, the alert is highlighted as red.
Displays a list view of active billable projects with a zero-amount bookings total.


Counts summarize the number of records found on corresponding list views that are relevant for the Services Billing workspace. Counts enable you to quickly access related content. To display a list view of detailed records specific to each count, click the label.

Counts cards in the Billing Services workspace.

The following counts are available in this workspace.

Count Description List View
Milestones on Billing Hold

The count of milestones that are on billing hold.

Displays a list view of your milestones that are on billing hold.
Timecard Splits on Billing Hold

The count of timecard splits that are on billing hold.

Displays a list view of your timecard splits that are on billing hold.
Expenses on Billing Hold

The count of expenses that are on billing hold.

Displays a list view of your expenses that are on billing hold.

Standard Report Chart


Your administrator can set up sharing for you to view this report. For more information about report sharing, see the Salesforce Help.

The report chart displays a Status of Billing Events report. This summarizes the number of billing events at each stage of the process as they move through the process sequentially from generation (Generated), released to finance (Released), to marked as invoiced (Invoiced).

The Status of Billing Events report is in the PSA: Services Billing Workspace folder in the Reports app. Ask your administrator for help if you cannot see this report.