PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard

Professional Services Cloud

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard is the same as the PSA Project Burnup dashboard, but with some additional features. For more information on PSA Project Burnup dashboard, see PSA Project Burnup Dashboard .

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard enables you to:

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.

PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Guide

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard has the following additional elements.

PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Elements (Billings View)

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

1. Prediction Line

Not applicable

Not applicable

PSA Project Burnup Plus Buttons and Selectors

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard has the following additional buttons and selectors.

PSA Project Burnup Plus Buttons and Selectors

Button or Selector Description

Enables you to select the project you want to display data for.

Confidence Interval Enables you to set the degree of accuracy for the timeseries trend prediction. By default, the selector is set to display a confidence interval of 80 percent. For more information about timeseries functionality, see the Salesforce Help.
Open Project

Opens the PSA record for the selected project. Use this button to drill down to the record of the project displayed by the dashboard.

Create Change Request

Opens the change request page for the selected project. Use this feature when you need to request additional budget for a project, or to make a change to the project that is outside to the scope of work that was originally agreed upon. For more information about change requests, see the PSA Help.