Configuring the Services CPQ Estimate Dashboards

Professional Services Cloud

If required, you can edit the following elements in the PSA Services CPQ Estimator and PSA Services CPQ Estimate Manager dashboards:

  • Threshold indicators
  • The time range displayed in the Estimate Margins (Last 90 Days) chart

Threshold Indicators

The PSA Services CPQ Estimator and PSA Services CPQ Estimate Manager dashboards contain threshold indicators. These are visual elements that enable you to see a presented value in relation to a target or range of values.

An example indicator is shown below.

Threshold indicator.

To amend the threshold indicators in the dashboard charts, perform the following steps for each chart:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click the chart's threshold indicator.
  3. From the widget menu, select Conditional Formatting.
  4. Click the variance you want to adjust. For example, Average Number of Estimates per Opportunity in the Estimates per Opportunity (Last 90 Days) chart.
  5. Under Condition, specify your required threshold value and preferred background color.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Specify the name of the dashboard and the location you want to save it to.
  8. [Optional] Enter a description and version history.
  9. Click Save.

Estimate Margins (Last 90 Days) Chart Time Range

To amend the time range displayed on the x axis of the chart, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Double-click the Estimate Margins (Last 90 Days) chart.
  3. Click the Filters tab.
  4. Click the Opportunity Close Date filter and add your required date range.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Specify the name of the dashboard and the location you want to save it to.
  8. [Optional] Enter a description and version history.
  9. Click Save.