PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the PS Cloud Analytics Setup object.

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields

Field Option



Indicates the PS Cloud Analytics Setup record used to create the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. You can have only one active PS Cloud Analytics Setup configuration record.

Utilization Calculation Type

If Utilization Setup is selected, creates the Utilization Results dataset. This is required to create the Utilization Analytics dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app, and the Utilization Capacity and Demand Planning and Skills Capacity and Demand Planning dashboards in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app. If Utilization Calculation is selected, creates data in the Utilization Summary/Detail and Utilization dataset. This is required to create the Utilization dashboard in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app. If Both Calculation Types (for migration purposes) is selected it creates the Utilization Results, Utilization Summary/Detail and Utilization datasets.

Additional Project Fields

Stores additional fields from the Project object added to the datasets created in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This includes user-generated custom fields and packaged custom fields.

You can select one or more additional fields from the Project object. These are added to the following datasets:

  • Backlog
  • Billings
  • Project Reporting
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Total Project Margin (Workspace)
Additional Contact Fields

Stores additional fields from the Contact object added to the datasets created in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This includes user-generated custom fields and packaged custom fields.

Additional Milestone Fields

You can select one or more additional fields from the Milestone object. These are added to the following datasets:

  • Project Reporting
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Billings

Encrypted and multi-select drop-down fields are not supported. You must assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with "Name", and ID fields are appended with "ID", unless already present in the field name. To add or edit additional fields, see Adding and Editing Additional Fields.

Additional Resource Change Fields

You can select one or more additional fields from the Resource Change object. These are added to the Utilization Results dataset. Encrypted and multi-select drop-down fields are not supported. You must assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with "Name", and ID fields are appended with "ID", unless already present in the field name. To add or edit additional fields, To add or edit additional fields, see Adding and Editing Additional Fields.

Additional Project Field API Names Stores the API names of additional fields from the Project object added to the datasets created in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This includes user-generated custom fields and packaged custom fields.
Additional Contact Field API Names Stores the API names of additional fields from the Contact object added to the datasets created in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This includes user-generated custom fields and packaged custom fields.
Billing Forecast If selected, creates the Billing Forecast Summaries and Billing Forecast Details datasets and the Billing Forecasts dashboard in PS Cloud Core Analytics.
Fiscal Year Start Month

Indicates the month set as the start of your fiscal year. The default option is January.


If selected, creates the Backlog dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This is used to create the Backlog and PSA Overview dashboards in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.


This setting controls the data displayed in the Backlog chart in the PSA Overview Dashboard and PSA Performance Summary Dashboard.

Object Sharing

If selected, your org's PSA object sharing model is used to control the data displayed in PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Revenue Forecast Permission Controls

If selected, applies permission controls from PSA to the Revenue Forecast dataset and dashboard.

Project Margin

If selected, creates the Project Margin dataset and the Total Project Margin (Workspace) dashboard in PS Cloud Core Analytics.

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Name The name of the PS Cloud Analytics Setup record.
Revenue Forecast

If selected, creates the Revenue Forecast dataset in PS Cloud Core Analytics.


This setting controls the data displayed in the Revenue Forecast chart in the PSA Overview Dashboard and PSA Performance Summary Dashboard.

Services CPQ

If selected, creates the SCPQ Estimator and SCPQ Estimate Manager dashboards in PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Revenue Management Fields

If you use Revenue Management, when this is selected, the following fields are included in the Project Reporting dataset in PS Cloud Core Analytics:

  • Actuals Template ID
  • Project Cost Amortized
  • Project Revenue Recognized
  • Project Total Cost Amortized
  • Project Total Revenue Recognized
Note 1:

The Actuals Template ID field is populated from the Actuals Template field on projects, milestones, timecard splits, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments. This is an unmanaged field in your org. Depending on how your org is set up, it might have a different label or it might not be available on all five PSA objects. By default, the API name of the field is ffrrtemplate__c. This is defined in the Actuals Template field on the Revenue Management Settings custom setting.

Note 2:

The fields that contain the recognized to date and the amortized to date values for a project are determined using your Revenue Management settings for the Project object. If a source field is not specified in the settings records, the field is not included in the Project Reporting dataset. In addition, if you have multiple settings records for the Project object, you must ensure that all of the records have the same values for the relevant source fields.

Note 3:

This requires access to Revenue Management objects and fields in your org. It also requires access to the fields that contain the values on the Project, Milestone, Timecard Split, Expense, and Miscellaneous Adjustment objects. Both you and the Integration User must have PSA and Revenue Management licenses, as well as access to the relevant objects and fields.

For more information about these fields and how they are populated, see Project Reporting Flow Intermediate Processing and Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Task Time If selected, adds Task Time data to the Project Reporting dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.
Utilization Results

If selected, creates the Utilization Results dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.