Recognition Template Mapping Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on the Recognition Template Mapping object. See What is Template Mapping? for more details.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field   Description
Criteria Field   The field on the selected object you want to use to select records by, such as pse__Type__c. Each source object can only have one criteria field.
Criteria Value   The value of the field you want to select records by, such as "Airfare" or "Lodging". Only source records that match this value will have the recognition template applied.
Level R The level within the source object hierarchy, such as Level 3 or Level 4.
Object Name * API name of the source object to use in the template mapping process, such as Expense__c.
Recognition Template * Lookup to the recognition template to apply to the matching records.