Recognition Year and Period Fields
ERP Cloud
Here is a description of the fields on the Recognition Year and Recognition Period objects.
Key: * – Mandatory field; M – For years based on Month and Month End; Q – For years based on 4,4,5 and all its variants; A – Automatically calculated.
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
End Date | A | Date of the last day of the recognition year. Automatically calculated from the specified start date and the number of weeks in the year. | |
Number of Months | M | The number of months in a 'year', in the range 1 to 18. | |
Number of Weeks | Q | The number of weeks in a 'year', in the range 13 to 79. This must be a number divisible by 13 (13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78) or divisible by 13 plus one week (14, 27, 40, 53, 66, 79). | |
Period Calculation Basis | * | Month (periods that start on the same date each month) |
Month End (periods that start on the first day of every month) | |||
4,4,5 or 4,5,4 or 5,4,4 (structure of weeks in a 13-week quarter) | |||
Recognition Year Name | * | 80 | Name of the recognition year. |
Start Date | * | Date of the first day of the recognition year. |
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only
Field | Description | |
End Date | * | Date of the last day of the period. |
Number of Weeks | R | Length of period in weeks: 4, 5 or 6. |
Period Group | Group of accounting periods such as "Q1". Useful when reporting. You can update the entries in this custom picklist. | |
Period Number | R | Unique number for this period in this financial year. |
Recognition Period Name | R | Unique period identifier for this recognition period, made up of the Year Name and Period Number, such as 2011/001. |
Recognition Year | R | Master-Detail lookup to the related recognition year record. |
Start Date | * | Date of the first day of the period. |