Recognition Year and Period Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on the Recognition Year and Recognition Period objects.


Key: * – Mandatory field; M – For years based on Month and Month End; Q – For years based on 4,4,5 and all its variants; A – Automatically calculated.
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
End Date A   Date of the last day of the recognition year. Automatically calculated from the specified start date and the number of weeks in the year.
Number of Months M   The number of months in a 'year', in the range 1 to 18.
Number of Weeks Q   The number of weeks in a 'year', in the range 13 to 79. This must be a number divisible by 13 (13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78) or divisible by 13 plus one week (14, 27, 40, 53, 66, 79).
Period Calculation Basis *   Month (periods that start on the same date each month)
    Month End (periods that start on the first day of every month)
    4,4,5 or 4,5,4 or 5,4,4 (structure of weeks in a 13-week quarter)
Recognition Year Name * 80 Name of the recognition year.
Start Date *   Date of the first day of the recognition year.


Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field   Description
End Date * Date of the last day of the period.
Number of Weeks R Length of period in weeks: 4, 5 or 6.
Period Group   Group of accounting periods such as "Q1". Useful when reporting. You can update the entries in this custom picklist.
Period Number R Unique number for this period in this financial year.
Recognition Period Name R Unique period identifier for this recognition period, made up of the Year Name and Period Number, such as 2011/001.
Recognition Year R Master-Detail lookup to the related recognition year record.
Start Date * Date of the first day of the period.