Estimate Product Instance Fields

The estimate product instance record includes the following fields.



Bill Amount The total bill amount for the estimate product instance.
Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) The bill amount for the estimate product instance in the currency of the related estimate.
Billable Expense Amount The total billable expense amount for the estimate product instance.
Billable Expense Amount (Estimate Curr) The billable estimated expense amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.
Billing Type The method of billing.
Cost Amount The total cost amount for the estimate product instance.
Cost Amount (Estimate Currency) The cost amount for the estimate product, in the currency of the estimate.
Description The description of the estimate product instance.
Discount (%) The percentage discount applied to the role requests associated with the estimate product.
End Date The date the estimate product instance ends.
Estimate The estimate that relates to the estimate product instance.
Estimate Product The estimate product that relates to the estimate product instance.
Fixed Price Margin (%) For fixed price estimate product instances only. The fixed price margin that the estimate product instance uses to calculate the billable amount.
Net Bill Amount The total bill amount for the estimate product instance after discounts are applied.
Net Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) The net bill amount for the estimate product, including discount, in the currency of the estimate.
Processing Indicates that records associated with the estimate product instance are currently being created or updated.
Project The project created from the estimate product instance.
Pushed to Opportunity Indicates that the estimate product instance has been pushed to the opportunity related to its estimate.
Start Date The date the estimate product instance starts.
Total Non-Billable Expenses The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance.
Total Non-Billable Expenses (Est Curr) The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.
Vendor Line Item Bill Amount (Est Curr) The estimate vendor line item bill amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.
Vendor Line Item Cost Amount (Est Curr) The estimate vendor line item cost amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.
Vendor Line Item Total Bill Amount The total EVLI amount for the estimate product instance.
Vendor Line Item Total Cost Amount The total EVLI cost amount for the estimate product instance.