Business Activity Statement Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on the Business Activity Statement object per section.


By default, the field history tracking functionality is available for the fields indicated below. If you want to enable it for any other fields, you must do it manually. For more information about the field history tracking functionality, see the Salesforce Help.



* – Mandatory field

R – Read-only

Field   Description
Accounting Currency R The currency name is automatically retrieved from the home currency of the current company selected in the Company field.
Company R

This value is automatically retrieved from the current company. The company must meet the following requirements:

  • Its Record Type must be GST.
  • Its home currency must be AUD.

If you enter a tax group, the company and the primary company of the tax group must match.


You must be in single-company mode so that this field is correctly completed.

Included Earlier Unreported Transactions   If you select this checkbox, any transactions with a date prior to the selected period that have not been included in any report yet are included.
Name R Name of the Business Activity Statement record.
Period End Date * Transactions with a date prior to the end date and later to the start date are included in the BAS preparation process.
Period Start Date * Transactions with a date later to the start date and prior to the end date are included in the BAS preparation process.
Statement Type *

It determines whether the business activity statement is prepared only for one company or more than one. The possible values are:

  • "Single company"
  • "Group of companies"

If set to Group of Companies, you must enter a tax group in the Tax Group field.

Status R

Status of the business activity statement. The possible values are:

  • "Generated"
  • "Generating"
  • "New"
  • "Reconciled"
Tax Group *

Lookup to the tax group. This field is only shown if you set the Statement Type field to Group of Companies. If you update the Statement Type field to Single Company, the Tax Group field is automatically emptied when you save.

If you enter a tax group, the company selected in the Company field and the primary company of the tax group must match.

Business Activity Statement Form

Field Description
Australian Business Number This value is automatically retrieved from the Tax Registration Number field in the company when you save the business activity statement record. If the Tax Registration Number field is empty, this field is left empty.
Contact Person Authorised contact person who completed the form.
Contact Phone Number For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Date Date of declaration.
Document ID For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Form Due On This date must be earlier than the date on the Payment Due On field.
GST Accounting Method

Picklist for the GST accounting method. The possible methods are:

  • "Accrual Basis". If you select this method, the transactions associated with all your posted documents are included in the preparation process, regardless of whether the documents are paid or not.
  • "Cash Basis". If you select this method, only the transactions associated with posted documents partially or fully paid are included in the preparation process.
Payment Due On This date must be later than the date on the Form Due On field.

Good and Services Tax


HT - History Tracking

Field   Description
Capital Purchases G10 HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Does G1 Amount Include GST?   Does the amount shown at G1 include GST?
Estimated Net GST for the Year G22   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Export Sales G2 HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
G21 HT Write the G21 amount at 1A in the Summary section (leave 1B blank).
Non-capital Purchases G11 HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Other GST-Free Sales G3 HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Reason Code for Variation G24   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Total Sales G1 HT Total sales (G1 requires 1A completed).
Varied Amount Payable for Quarter G23   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

PAYG tax withheld


HT - History Tracking

F - Formula field

Field   Description
Amount Withheld from W1 Payments W2 HT Amount withheld from payments shown at W1.
Amount Withheld without ABN W4 HT Amount withheld where no ABN is quoted.
Other Amounts Withheld W3 HT Excluding any amount shown at W2 or W4.
Total Amounts Withheld W5 F W2 + W4 + W3
Total Salary, Wages & Other Payments W1 HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

PAYG income tax instalment (Option 1)


HT - History Tracking

F - Formula field

Field   Description
Estimated Tax for the Year T8 HT Non applicable
New Varied Rate T3   Non applicable
PAYG Instalment Amount T7 HT Write the T7 amount at 5A in the Summary section below or if varying this amount, complete T8, T9, T4.
PAYG Instalment Amount T11 F T1 x T2 (or x T3)
PAYG Instalment Income T1   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Rate T2   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Reason Code for Variation T4   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Varied Amount Payable for the Quarter T9   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

Fringe benefits tax (FBT) instalment

Field Description
ATO instalment amount F1 Write the F1 amount at 6A in the Summary section below or if varying this amount, complete F2, F3, F4.
Estimated Tax for the Year F2 For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Reason code for variation F4 For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Varied Amount payable F3 For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

Amounts you owe to the Tax Office


HT - History Tracking

F - Formula field

Field   Description
Deferred Company/Fund Instalment 7   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
FBT Instalment 6A F F1 or F3
Fuel tax credit over claim 7C   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
GST on Sales or GST Instalment 1A HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Luxury car tax 1E   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
PAYG Income Tax Instalment 5A F T7 or T9 or T11
PAYG Tax Withheld 4 F W5
Total Amount 8A F 1A + 1C + 1E + 4 + 5A + 6A + 7 + 7C
Wine equalisation tax 1C   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

Amounts that the Tax Office owes you


HT - History Tracking

F - Formula field

Field   Description
Credit from FBT instalment variation   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Fuel tax credit 7D   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
GST on Purchases 1B HT For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Luxury car tax refundable 1F   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Tax Instalment Variation Credit 5B   Credit from PAYG income tax instalment variation.
Total Amount 8B F 1B + 1D + 1F + 5B + 6B + 7D
Wine equalisation tax refundable 1D   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.

Payment or Refund


F - Formula field

Field   Description
Is 8A More than 8B?   For more information, refer to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Your Payment or Refund Amount 9 F Absolute value of 8A - 8B


Button Name Description

Deletes the business activity statement. When you click this button, a modal is displayed to confirm the action. This button is only available when the record's status is "New" o "Generated".

Prepare Statement Generates the business activity statement. When you click this button, a modal is displayed to confirm the action. This button is only available when the record's status is "New" o "Generated".
Reconcile Reconciles the business activity statement. When you click this button, a modal is displayed to confirm the action. This button is only available when the record's status is "Generated".