Creating Consolidation Hierarchy Records

To create a Consolidation Hierarchy record:

  1. Click and search for Consolidation Hierarchies.
  2. Click Consolidation Hierarchies from the menu.
  3. Click New on the Consolidation Hierarchies page. A dialog window opens.
  4. Select a date in the Start Date field.
  5. [Optional] Select a date in the End Date field.
  6. Click Save.

You cannot activate a consolidation hierarchy without creating the consolidation hierarchy lines.

To create consolidation hierarchy lines:

  1. Click New next to Consolidation Hierarchy Lines in the Related Tab. A dialog window opens.
  2. Enter the name of the company that you want to add to the hierarchy in the Company field under Information.
  3. Enter the company names at different levels according to the structure you require. Always mention the ultimate parent in the Level 01 Company field. The company name that you enter in step 2 is always mentioned in the last level field as shown in the examples below.
  4. Click Save. You can see the created consolidation hierarchy line on the grid.

Once the record is activated, you can only edit the end date and the record cannot be deactivated.


The examples here illustrate how to create a Consolidation Hierarchies line for the Consolidation Hierarchies record created from the Consolidation Hierarchies page.

  • If you want the company hierarchy record to be active, click the Details tab on the Consolidation Hierarchies page, select the "Is Active" checkbox and click Save.
  • If you use consolidation adjustment or elimination companies you must add them to the hierarchy record because they were subsidiaries of the consolidating parent.
For more information on how to update Hierarchy Reference to Transactions, see Accounting Task Launcher Overview.