Tracking for JET File

By using the history tracking functionality you can meet the French audit requirements using the mandatory JET codes 50 and 60 detailed in the reference table for JET codes below. To meet the audit requirements for the other codes, refer to the JET Code table below.

Setting up Tracking for JET File

Enable the history tracking functionality for the following fields:

  • Hard Close Options field on the Period object
  • Status field on the Year object

This is required for codes 50 and 60 respectively.

For more information about the history tracking functionality, see the Salesforce Help.

Reference Table for JET Codes

Use the reference table below for more information regarding JET codes.

JET Codes Table

JET Code


Log Entry Type
30 Fiscal year end or fiscal period end archiving. The tax archive is manually generated.
50 Period closing (day/month). Hard Close Options (HardCloseOptions__c).
60 Annual period end or fiscal period end closing.

For year closing, use Status (Status__c) on the Year object.

For period closing, use Hard Close Options (HardCloseOptions__c) on the Period object.

90 Detection of an integrity failure in secure data or in a fiscal tax archive. The tax archive is manually generated.
250 Installation of a major new version of the software. For more information, see the "Monitor Setup Changes with Setup Audit Trail" topic in the Salesforce Help.