Managing Multiple Companies Account Configs

You can use multiple companies account configs to define the following information for multiple companies:

  • Accounts payable control and accounts receivable control GLAs
  • Credit terms
  • Default tax
  • Finance contact
  • If you use this feature, the fields of any records on the Multiple Companies Account Config object override the related fields on the Account object. For more information, see Multiple Companies Account Config Fields.

  • The Company and Account combination of fields must be unique for each multiple companies account config record.
  • Depending on whether the related company uses a local chart of accounts, you must select either local or corporate accounts payable and accounts receivable GLAs.

Creating Multiple Companies Account Configs

You can create multiple companies account configs in one of the following ways:

  • Create a single record manually in the Multiple Companies Account Config list on the related account
  • Create multiple records using a sample template spreadsheet via Datastream

Creating a Multiple Companies Account Config Manually

To create a multiple companies account config record manually:

  1. Navigate to the account for which you want to create a multiple companies account config.
  2. Click the Related tab.
  3. Click New in the Multiple Companies Account Config list.
  4. Specify the following mandatory information:
    • Company
    • Account
    • Input VAT/GST Code
    • Output VAT/GST Code
    • Tax Status
      The Multiple Companies Account Config Number is automatically populated.
  5. [Optional] Specify the following optional information:
    • Finance Contact
    • Accounts Receivable Control
    • Accounts Payable Control
    • Multi-Account Credit Terms
  6. Click Save to save this multiple companies account config or Save & New to save this multiple companies account config and create a new one.

Creating Multiple Companies Account Configs using Datastream

You can use Datastream to create several multiple companies account config and multi-account credit terms records. We have prepared a template spreadsheet file (XLSX) where you can specify the information you want to upload via Datastream. To use this functionality, you must have Datastream installed and configured. For more information, see Datastream Overview.

To create several multiple companies account config records using Datastream:

  1. Download and open the sample template spreadsheet file (XLSX).
  2. [Optional] Specify the following information in the Multi-Account Credit Terms sheet of the template spreadsheet for each of the multi-account credit terms records that you want to create:
    • Multi-Account Credit Terms Name
    • Base Date 1 and Days Offset 1
    • Base Date 2 and Days Offset 2
    • Base Date 3 and Days Offset 3
    • Base Date 4 and Days Offset 4
    • Description 1 – 4
    • Discount 1 – 4
  3. Specify the following information in the Multiple Companies Account Config sheet of the template spreadsheet for each of the multi companies account configs that you want to create:
    • Company
    • Account
    • Tax Status
    • Output VAT/GST Code
    • Input VAT/GST Code
    • [Optional] Finance Contact
    • [Optional] Multi-Account Credit Terms
      This must match the Multi-Account Credit Terms Name specified in the Multi-Account Credit Terms sheet.
    • [Optional] Accounts Payable Control
    • [Optional] Accounts Receivable Control
  4. Navigate to the Foundations Datastream tab and import the records from the template spreadsheet. For more information, see Using Datastream.

Editing Multiple Companies Account Configs

To edit a multiple companies account config record:

  1. Navigate to the account related to the multiple companies account config that you want to edit.
  2. Click the Related tab.
  3. Click the record that you want to edit in the Multiple Companies Account Config list.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Edit the information you want.
  6. Click Save to save this multiple companies account config or Save & New to save this multiple companies account config and create a new one.

You can also edit multiple companies account configs from the related list. To do this, click next to the record that you want to edit, and click Edit in the drop-down list.

Cloning Multiple Companies Account Configs

To clone a multiple companies account config record:

  1. Navigate to the account related to the multiple companies account config that you want to clone.
  2. Click the Related tab.
  3. In the Multiple Companies Account Config list, click the record that you want to clone.
  4. Click Clone.
  5. Populate the following fields, ensuring that their combination is unique:
    • Company
    • Account
  6. Click Save to clone this multiple companies account config or Save & New to clone this multiple companies account config and create a new one.

Deleting Multiple Companies Account Configs

To delete a multiple companies account config record:

  1. Navigate to the account related to the multiple companies account config that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Related tab.
  3. In the Multiple Companies Account Config list, click the record that you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete. The Delete Multiple Companies Account Config window displays.
  5. Click Delete.

You can also delete multiple companies account configs from the list view. To do this, click next to the record that you want to edit, and click Delete in the drop-down list.