Rounding Unit Prices during Price Amendment

ERP Cloud

When you amend prices on a contract by a percentage, you can choose how rounding is applied to the new unit price.

The rounding scale options are:

  • No Rounding - The new unit price is not rounded.
  • Whole Number - The new unit price is rounded to the nearest whole number using Salesforce's HALF-UP rounding rule.
  • Currency Decimal Places - The new unit price is rounded to the number of decimal places specified in the Salesforce currency definition, using Salesforce's HALF-UP rounding rule.

The rounding scale selected by default is determined by the Default Rounding Mode for Amend Prices field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting.

The examples in this table illustrate the effect that the different rounding scale options can have depending on currency. USD has two decimal places and JPY has none.

Currency Original Unit Price



New Unit Price with No Rounding New Unit Price with Whole Number Rounding New Unit Price with Currency Decimal Places Rounding
USD 1.99 2.75 2.044725 2 2.04
JPY 2 2.75 2.055 2 2

When using Whole Number or Currency Decimal Places rounding, if a unit price contains several decimal places and you apply a small percentage increase, the new unit price might actually go down slightly. Likewise if you apply a small percentage decrease, the new unit price might go up slightly.