Usage Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Usage object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field Name



Billing Document Line Item    

Lookup to the billing document line item for which this usage information was billed. This field is populated automatically if the usage record is used to calculate quantity when billing the contract line item.

If the related billing document is converted from an invoice to a credit note and the invoice can be rebilled, this field is cleared.

If the Complete Billing Document Deleted checkbox is selected, this lookup is cleared because the related billing document has been deleted as a result of archiving.

Complete Billing Document Deleted   R

Indicates that the completed billing document related to this usage record has been deleted after having been archived. This checkbox can only be selected by the archiving process. It prevents the usage record from being rebilled.

Contract Line Item


Lookup to the contract line item to which this usage information applies.

Date Out of Range   R For internal use only. This checkbox is selected if the date on this usage record is before the start date or after the end date of the contract line, or the contract line is canceled. Records that are out of range are not billed.




Number of units used to six decimal places.

Unit of Measure


Lookup to the unit of measure in which this usage information is recorded.

Usage Number



Unique number of the usage record.



Date to which the usage information applies.