Schedulable Jobs used by Billing Central

ERP Cloud

This table lists jobs that your administrator can schedule to run background processes used by Billing Central. The Message Delivery job is essential and must be configured as explained below.



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When a contract's end date is reached, this job changes the contract's status to "Expired".

Setting up a Job to Expire Contracts
DeleteOldAsyncDataSchedule This job deletes old logs and finished jobs. Deleting Old Logs and Jobs
GenerateBillingSchedulesSchedulable This job generates billing schedules for contracts. Setting up a Job to Generate Billing Schedules
Message Delivery

This is an essential background process used by Billing Central. It ensures that data integrity between contracts and billing documents is preserved.

When setting up Billing Central you must perform the configuration detailed in Configuring Message Delivery and Billing Document Completion and schedule the Message Delivery job as explained in Scheduling Message Delivery.

Configuring Message Delivery and Billing Document Completion
Scheduled Billing Job This job creates billing documents for unbilled billing schedules with a billing date on or before the date the job runs. Creating Billing Jobs