Creating a Playbook Task

To create a playbook task:

  1. Click Create Playbook Task on the Customer Success Management Workspace or relevant record page.
  2. Enter a name for the new playbook task.
  3. [Optional] Select an account to associate with the playbook task.
  4. [Optional] Select the resources you want to assign to the task. The picklist displays the first five resources available sorted alphabetically. You must search for and select any additional resources you want to assign to a task. You cannot assign a PSA resource to a playbook task.
  5. [Optional] Select a playbook to associate with the playbook task. When the account associated with the playbook is different to the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the playbook. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account, if you already have a success plan associated with the task you must remove it to associate the playbook.
  6. [Optional] Select a start and end date for the playbook task.
  7. [Optional] Select a success plan to associate with the task. When the account associated with the parent success plan is different to the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the parent success plan. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account, if you already have a playbook associated with the task you must remove it to associate the success plan.
  8. [Optional] Update the task status. The status is set to Draft by default.
  9. [Optional] Enter any notes for the playbook task. To attach an image, click .
  10. Click Create.
    • A playbook's start and end date must be within the associated playbooks date range.
    • The playbook task can only be associated with one parent record in addition to the account. The associated playbook or success plan must be associated with the same account as the playbook task.
    • The account associated with the playbook task, playbook, and success plan must be the same.
    • When creating a task from a record page, the relevant fields auto-populate with the record information when available.
    • You must have edit permissions for the Draft field to create a playbook task record. The default status is set to Draft.