Certinia Card Panels Overview

There are two Certinia card panels:

  • The FDN Cards Panel component enables you to add a single component containing multiple highlight and KPI cards to an object's Lightning record page.
  • The FDN App Page Cards Panel component enables you to add a single component containing multiple KPI cards to any app page, such as workspaces.

You can create configurations for these components using the following component builders:

  • Cards Panel Configuration Builder: For the FDN Cards Panel component.
  • App Page Cards Panel Config Builder: For the FDN App Page Cards Panel component.

Card Layouts for the FDN Cards Panel

On a record page, the layout of the cards is responsive to the screen size used. The following table shows the card layout for different screen sizes and different region sizes. There is one card in each column.

Note: We recommend that you add up to a maximum of 16 cards. You can add more, but this decreases the value of the panel's content.
Card Layouts on Record Pages for Screen and Region Sizes


Large Region

Medium Region Small Region
Desktop (Large screen) Maximum 5 columns x "n" rows Maximum 3 columns x "n" rows 1 column x "n" rows
Tablet (Medium screen) Maximum 3 columns x "n" rows Maximum 2 columns x "n" rows 1 column x "n" rows
Phone (Small screen) 1 column x "n" rows 1 column x "n" rows 1 column x "n" rows

The number of rows "n" is determined by how the cards are arranged to reduce the empty space in the layout.

The following example shows the card layouts for 1 to 13 cards in a large region on a large screen, where "x" represents a card.

Card Layouts on a Large Region on a Large Screen

1 Card

2 Cards

3 Cards

4 Cards

5 Cards

6 Cards

7 Cards

8 Cards

9 Cards

10 Cards

11 Cards

12 Cards

13 Cards

x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx




















Card Layouts for the FDN App Page Cards Panel

For the FDN App Page Cards Panel on an app page, the number of cards shown horizontally in a row is determined by the minimum card width and the width of the monitor and page. There is no maximum number of cards in a row.