Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Settings

ERP Cloud

The settings on the OIM Direct for Avalara Settings tab enable you to set up the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara for your org.

OIM Direct for Avalara Settings
Setting Description
Account # The Avalara account number to use.
Timeout Number of milliseconds before the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara stops trying to communicate with Avalara when communication is lost. The maximum value is 120,000 (120 seconds).
Company Code Company code in Avalara AvaTax for which tax is to be calculated.
Disable Address Validation Indicates whether the address associated with a document is to be validated against the address database in Avalara AvaTax.
Disable Tax Calculation Indicates whether tax is to be calculated.
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Invoice Indicates whether tax is automatically calculated on an Invoice when the shipment associated with that invoice is confirmed.
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Quote Indicates whether tax is automatically calculated on a customer quotation when you click the Avalara Print button.
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Sales Order Indicates whether tax is automatically calculated on a sales order when it is approved.
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Voucher Indicates whether tax is automatically calculated on an AP voucher when it is matched.
Enable Logging Indicates whether all requests and responses to Avalara services are logged in the Avalara Log object.
License Key The Avalara AvaTax license key that the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara is to use to connect with Avalara AvaTax.
Return validated address in upper case Indicates whether addresses successfully validated against the address database in Avalara are converted to upper case.
Service URL URL of the Avalara AvaTax service to connect to.
Tax Code - Freight Avalara tax code to use for freight items.
Tax Code - Miscellaneous Avalara tax code to use for miscellaneous charges on an invoice.
VAT ID Field The API name of the Account field to use for the VAT ID. If blank, the VAT ID field scmava__vat_id__c in the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara package is used.
Use Core Connector for Address Validation When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Foundations and Order and Inventory Management is used for validating addresses. This disables address validation using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for Customer Quotations When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating tax for customer quotations. This disables tax calculation for customer quotations using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for Sales Orders When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating tax for sales orders. This disables tax calculation for sales orders using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for Invoices When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating, posting, committing, and canceling tax for invoices. This disables tax calculation for invoices using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for Credit Invoices When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating, posting, committing, and canceling tax for credit invoices. This disables tax calculation for credit invoices using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for Purchase Orders When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating tax for purchase orders. This disables tax calculation for purchase orders using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for AP Vouchers When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating, posting, committing, and canceling tax for AP vouchers. This disables tax calculation for AP vouchers using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.
Use Core Connector for AP Voucher Credits When selected, the newer Avalara AvaTax connector included in Order and Inventory Management is used for calculating, posting, committing, and canceling tax for AP voucher credits. This disables tax calculation for AP voucher credits using the older Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara extension package.

For more information about migrating to the Core connectors, see Migrating from the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara to Core.

Organization Address

The Organization Address section contains the address of the organization for which tax is to be calculated.


Buttons Available on the OIM Direct for Avalara Settings Tab
Button or Link Description
Admin Console Displays the Avalara Admin console where you can view Avalara transactions and setup information for your organization.
Edit Allows you to edit the Avalara settings and organization address.
Test Connection Allows you to test the connection between the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara and Avalara AvaTax. This validates that the Account, License Key, Service URL and Company Code have been set correctly for your company.
Validate Validates the organization address against the Avalara address database.