Accounts to Suppliers

If the Accounts to Suppliers flow is enabled, Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector automatically creates and updates supplier sites when you create or update vendor accounts. This ensures that your suppliers are up to date with your vendor accounts.

For more information about these objects, see:

Syncing Vendor Accounts to Suppliers

If the Accounts to Suppliers flow is enabled, supplier sites are automatically created when you create an account with the Type field set to "Vendor". The flow runs in real time.

If you change the value of any of the mapped fields for a vendor account, the related supplier site is automatically updated. For a list of mapped fields, see Mappings.


If you are not assigned the OIM – FinancialForce - Sync Vendor Accounts to Supplier Sites permission set, your changes are not synchronized when creating or updating a vendor account.

Linking Existing Records

If you manually created a matching account for a supplier, you can manually correlate the records. You can do this by populating the Account lookup on the supplier site. You can only do this if the supplier site isn't already linked to an account.


The following table lists how fields on the Account object map to the relevant fields on the Supplier Site object.


Your administrator might have changed the default mappings or added custom mappings.

Default Mappings between Account Fields and Supplier Site Fields
Account Fields Supplier Site Fields
Account Fax FAX
Account Name Supplier Site Name
Account Phone Office Phone
Accounts Payable Control Accounts Payable Control GLA
Accounts Receivable Control Accounts Receivable Control GLA
Active? Active
Currency or Account Currency



If the Currency lookup field is populated for the vendor account, its value is used. Otherwise, the connector uses the Account Currency field to find the currency master record that with the same ISO code.

Corporate Address Line 1 Mailing Street
Corporate Address Line 2 Mailing Street Additional Information
Corporate City Mailing City
Corporate Country Mailing Country
Corporate State/Province Mailing State / Province
Corporate Zip / Postal Code Mailing Zip / Postal Code
E-Mail E-Mail
Payment Terms PO Payment Terms
Preferred Communication Preferred Communication - Purchase Order
Preferred Communication - Sourcing