OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices

Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector enables you to create sales invoices in Accounting from the Order and Inventory Management invoices issued to your customers so that your Accounts Receivable department can process the sales invoices.

For more information about these objects, see the following:

Eligible Invoices

For a sales invoice to be created from an invoice, all the following must be true for the invoice:

  • It must not be linked to a billing document.
  • It must not be open or a proforma invoice.
  • The related shipment must be completed, unless the invoice is for drop ship items.

Automatically Populated Fields

When an invoice is created or its shipment is completed, the fields required for the integration are automatically populated to avoid manually entering repetitive data. For drop ship items, these fields are populated when you bill a sales order.

Accounting Company and Currency

When you create a sales order or a service contract, the Company Name picklist field is automatically populated with the value defined in the Default Company field on the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin page. If this value matches the name of an Accounting company, the connector automatically populates the Accounting Company lookup field. The Accounting Currency field is set to the Accounting currency that belongs to the Accounting company and has the same ISO code as the name of the currency defined in the Currency field.

When you create an invoice from the sales order or service contract, the Accounting Company and Currency fields are automatically populated from the related sales order or service contract.

Product Field on Invoice Line Items

The Product field is automatically populated on invoice line items when they are created or when you complete the shipment related to the invoice.

For invoice line items of type "Item", "Drop Ship Item", and "Virtual Kit Item", the Product is populated from the product group related to the item being sold.

Otherwise, the value of the Product field is determined based on the relevant OIM line type to product mapping record. For more information, see Mapping OIM Line Types to Salesforce Products.

Creating Sales Invoices

You can create sales invoices from invoices in several ways:


The following table lists how fields on the Invoicing object map to the relevant fields on the Sales Invoice object. In some cases, the connector provides static values.


Your administrator might have changed the default mappings or added custom mappings.

Default Mappings between Invoicing Fields and Sales Invoice Fields
Invoicing Field Static Value Sales Invoice Field
Accounting Company   Company
Accounting Currency   Invoice Currency
Billing Account   Account
Customer   Account
Invoice Date   Invoice Date
Invoice Due Date   Due Date
Record ID   OIM Invoice
Sales Order > Engagement   Engagement
  Deselected (false) Derive Currency
  Deselected (false) Derive Due Date
  Selected (true) Derive Period

If a billing account is defined for the invoice, the sales invoice is created for that account. Otherwise, the sales invoice is created for the account defined in the Customer field on the invoice.

Once a sales invoice is created from an invoice, the Export Status field on the invoice is set to "Exported" and the Sales Invoice field is populated with the newly created sales invoice.


If the invoice contains more lines than the limit defined by your administrator, multiple sales invoices are created for the invoice. When this happens, the Sales Invoice field is populated with the last sales invoice that was created. You can view all the sales invoices linked to an invoice in the Sales Invoices related list. For more information, contact your administrator and see Sales Invoice Line Limit.

Line Items

When creating the sales invoice, invoice line items are used to create sales invoice line items. If a discount is applied to the invoice, an additional sales invoice line item is created for the discount.

The following table lists how fields on the Invoice Line Item object map to the relevant fields on the Sales Invoice Line Item object. In some cases, the connector looks up information from related records or provides static values.

Default Mappings between Invoice Line Item Fields and Sales Invoice Line Item Fields
Invoice Line Field Static Value Sales Invoice Line Item Field
Amount Description   Line Description
Item   Item Name
Item > Product Group > Dimension 1   Dimension 1
Item > Product Group > Dimension 2   Dimension 2
Item > Product Group > Dimension 3   Dimension 3
Item > Product Group > Dimension 4   Dimension 4
Product   Product Name
Quantity   Quantity
Record ID   OIM Invoice Line
Derived Unit Price   Unit Price
  Deselected (false) Calculate Income Schedule
  Selected (true) Derive Line Number