Rolling Up Timecards

When timecards are submitted using the Submitted or Include in Financials checkbox, a rollup process is initiated to update rollup fields on the assignment and milestone.

You can roll up timecards in the following ways:

  • Either a synchronous or asynchronous job process is initiated based on the availability of resources that fetches all the timecards under the assignment or milestone to recalculate the new rollup values.
  • By using the UseDeltaRollupForTimecard configuration option to ensure that the rollup on the assignment or milestone is performed based on the timecards that have been inserted, updated, deleted, or undeleted rather than all the timecards associated with the assignment or milestone.

The UseDeltaRollupForTimecard configuration option initiates a synchronous process and updates the rollup fields based only on the updated timecards. By default, the value of the UseDeltaRollupForTimecard configuration option is set to true.

For more information, see ASM Triggers in Trigger Settings.

Timecard Delta Rollup Process

If you select the UseDeltaRollupforTimecard option, the timecard rollup calculation will only happen when timecards are updated. In some cases, the delta timecard rollup calculation won't take place, and you'll need to use the full timecard rollup calculation. In these cases, you can start the rollup process by checking the Action: Refresh Timecard Roll-ups checkbox on the Assignment or Milestone page.

The following are scenarios where it will be necessary to perform a full rollup manually:

  • If an assignment or milestone is fetched with the wrong value in the rollup fields.
  • If the milestone field is changed on the timecard.
  • If the rollup process initiated using the UseDeltaRollupForTimecard configuration option is interrupted for any reason, the rollup field values are not updated.
  • If the following fields on the timecard change: 
    • Billable__c
    • External_Resource__c
    • Non_Billable_Incurred_Subtotal__c
    • Exchange_Rate_Billing_Currency__c
    • Exchange_Rate_Incurred_Currency__c
  • If the following configurations on the timecard change:  
    • asm.base.timecard > update-assignments-with-timecard-costs
    • asm.base.timecard > update-milestones-with-timecard-costs

To configure the system to always initiate a full timecard rollup calculation, deselect the UseDeltaRollupForTimecard configuration option under the ASM Triggers configuration group. When deselected, a full timecard rollup process will be performed whenever a timecard is modified.

If a user initiates the rollup process by selecting the Action: Refresh Timecard Roll-Ups checkbox on the Assignment or Milestone page, this will always initiate a full rollup calculation, regardless of your configured default rollup process.

Excluding Assignments and Milestones from Rollups

You can exclude assignments and milestones from timecard expense rollup calculations using the Exclude from Timecard Expense Rollups checkbox on the Assignment or Milestone page. Any excluded assignments or milestones are omitted from the timecard expense rollup calculations.