Setting up Start and End Times Mode for Timecards

Professional Services CloudNew

You can use Start and End Times mode to configure Time Entry to enable users to enter time using start and end times.
Entering time in Start and End Times mode records time in time entries, which are displayed chronologically in the Time Entry list view, rather than displaying them by project.

To enable users to record time against timecards in the Time Entry component in Start and End Times mode, you must complete the following steps:

  1. To ensure that the Start and End Times mode is selectable in the Work Calendar page layout, you must:
    1. In Setup, navigate to Object Manager.
    2. Navigate to Work Calendar | Fields and Relationships | Available Time Entry Modes.
    3. In Values, click New and enter Start and End Times. This field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly.
    4. Click Save.
    5. In Object Manager, navigate to Work Calendar | Page Layout.
    6. Add the Available Time Entry Modes field to the page layout.

      Your Start and End Times value is now available to select from the Available Time Entry Modes drop-down list on the Work Calendar.

  2. To then enable this mode for users, you must:
    1. On the Work Calendar, select the Available Time Entry Mode to be Start and End Time Times.
    2. Assign the following permission sets to users who use time entry:
      1. PSA - Enter Time Against Project and Assignment
      2. PSA - Start and Stop Timers
  3. A Submit window is displayed to users when selecting Submit or Submit All. This window enables users to see timecard context information, such as the assignment, milestone, and the total hours.

    To configure the Submit window to display the associated assignment and milestone to users, the Allow Assignment and Allow Milestone options must be selected in Lightning App Builder.