PS Cloud Analytics Object Sharing Model

Professional Services Cloud

To control access to records, PS Cloud Analytics uses the object sharing model from PSA. If you have administrator privileges you can view and edit the sharing model for object types. From Setup, click Security | Sharing Settings.

When creating an app, the PS Cloud Analytics wizard enables you to select whether you want to apply the existing security model to your PS Cloud Analytics app or not. If you enable the existing sharing model, users can only view records related to the objects they have access to. If you do not apply the existing sharing model, all users with access to Analytics that share the app can view the data for all PSA records.

The sharing model is permanently linked to the app once the app is created. If any changes are applied to the object sharing model from PSA a new PS Cloud Analytics app has to be created to enable these changes in Analytics.

Note: Since the sharing model is based around the objects from PSA, the PS Cloud Analytics app must be reconfigured each time one of the following cases occur:
  • If an org doesn't have any PSA objects records created, such as a brand new org. The PS Cloud Analytics app must be reconfigured after the first object record is created to enable the sharing model.
  • When a new object is created.
  • When the users sharing a record change, either by adding new users or by removing existing users.

To reconfigure an Analytics app:

  • Click Reconfigure App below the name of the app on the landing page.

For more information about reconfiguring and upgrading apps, see the SalesforceAnalytics Help.

PS Cloud Analytics supports sharing with Salesforce public groups and their member users. If a group contains any subgroups, you have to share the access to each child group separately.

For more information, see Managing Profiles, Security and Sharing, and Sharing a Project in the PSA Help.

For more information about sharing Analytics apps and assets, see the Salesforce Help.