Project Margin Dataset PS Cloud AI Analytics Input Fields

These fields are extracted directly from the Project Reporting dataset and are available in the Project Margin dataset. For field descriptions, see Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Fields Extracted from the Project Reporting Dataset

Field Label

Field API Name

Account Billing Country AccountBillingCountry
Account Industry AccountIndustry
Account Name AccountName
Account Type AccountType
Currency Iso Code CurrencyIsoCode
Master Project Name ProjectMasterProjectName
Opportunity Close Date OpportunityCloseDate
Opportunity Name OpportunityName
Opportunity Owner Name OpportunityOwnerName
Opportunity Stage OpportunityStageName
Parent Project Name ProjectParentProjectName
Project Account Annual Revenue ValueProjectAccountAnnualRevenue
Project Account Number Of Employees ValueProjectAccountNumberOfEmployees
Project Allow Self-Staffing ProjectAllowSelfStaffing
Project Billable IsProjectBillable
Project Billed Amount ValueProjectBilled
Project Billing Type ProjectBillingType
Project Billings ValueProjectBillings
Project Bookings ValueProjectBookings
Project Company Name ProjectCompanyName
Project Credited Hours ValueProjectCreditedNonBillableInternalHours
Project Duration (Days) ValueProjectDuration
Project End Date ProjectEndDate
Project Estimated Hours At Completion ValueProjectEstimatedHoursAtCompletion
Project Exchange Rate ValueProjectExchangeRate
Project Expense Budget ValueProjectExpenseBudget
Project Expense Costs ValueProjectExpenseCosts
Project External Costs ValueProjectExternalCosts
Project External Time Cost ValueProjectExternalTimeCost
Project Financial Status ProjectFinancialStatus
Project Group Name ProjectGroupNameChain
Project ID


Project Internal Budget ValueProjectInternalBudget
Project Internal Costs ValueProjectInternalCosts
Project Internal Time Cost ValueProjectInternalTimeCost
Project Invoiced Amount ValueProjectInvoiced
Project Is Active ProjectIsActive
Project Location ProjectLocation
Project Manager Name ProjectManagerName
Project Margin (%) ValueProjectMarginPercent
Project Margin Amount ValueProjectMargin
Project Milestone Cost ValueProjectMilestoneCost
Project Name ProjectName
Project Name Chain ProjectNameChain
Project Other Costs ValueProjectOtherCosts
Project Owner Name ProjectOwnerName
Project Pass-Through Billings ValueProjectPassThroughBillings
Project Percent Hours Complete ValueProjectPercentHoursComplete
Project Planned Hours ValueProjectPlannedHours
Project Practice Name ProjectPracticeNameChain
Project Pre-Bill Type ProjectPreBillType
Project Pre-Billed ValueProjectPreBilled
Project Region Name ProjectRegionNameChain
Project Revenue ValueProjectRevenue
Project Schedule Status ProjectScheduleStatus
Project Scheduled Hours Remaining ValueProjectScheduledHoursRemaining
Project Stage ProjectStage
Project Start Date ProjectStartDate
Project Status ProjectStatus
Project Tasks Total Percent Complete (Points) ValueProjectTasksTotalPercentCompletePoint
Project Tasks Total Points ValueProjectTasksTotalPoints
Project Tasks Total Points Complete ValueProjectTasksTotalPointsComplete
Project Time Credited ProjectTimeCredited
Project Time Excluded ProjectTimeExcluded
Project Time Period End Date ProjectTimePeriodEndDate
Project Time Period Name ProjectTimePeriodName
Project Time Period Start Date ProjectTimePeriodStartDate
Project Time Period Type ProjectTimePeriodType
Project Time Zone ProjectTimeZone
Project Total Assigned Hours ValueProjectTotalAssignedHours
Project Total Costs ValueProjectTotalCosts
Project Total Number of Tasks ValueProjectTotalNumberOfTasks
Project Total Submitted Hours ValueProjectTotalSubmittedHours
Project Type ProjectType
Project Variance At Completion ValueProjectVarianceAtCompletion