Estimate Win Rate (%) Input Fields

These fields are extracted directly from the Project Reporting dataset and are available in the Estimate Win Rate (%) dataset.

Fields Extracted from the Project Reporting Dataset

Field Label

Field API Name

Estimate Start Date EstimateStartDate
Estimate Billing Type EstimateBillingType
Estimate Group Name EstimateGroupNameChain
Estimate Practice Name EstimatePracticeNameChain
Estimate Region Name EstimateRegionNameChain
Opportunity Stage OpportunityStageName
Estimate Cost ValueEstimateCost
Estimate Discount (%) ValueEstimateDiscountPercent
Estimate Duration (Days) ValueEstimateDuration
Estimate Expense ValueEstimateExpense
Estimate Net Amount ValueEstimateNetAmount
Estimate Total Hours ValueEstimateTotalHours
Estimate Total Vendor Line Item Bill Amount ValueEstimateTotalVendorLineItemBillAmount