About the Sample As of Aging Report

ERP Cloud
This feature is not part of the base Accounting package, your administratorClosed must install and configure an extension package to enable it.

A sample report, As of Aging by Account, is available in the As of Aging Reports folder on the Reports tab.

The report includes all transactions with a transaction date occurring on or before the "As of Date" for the most recently run As of Aging process. Transactions are grouped into age bands by the outstanding number of days between the "as of" date and the due date. Your administrator can choose to group transactions by the difference between the "as of" date and the transaction date—see Managing Custom Settings.

The report displays the Home Value for each transaction at the "as of" date: transactions that were matched prior to the "as of" date have a value equal to the Home Value less the matched value. You can customize the report to display values in the dual currency instead.

The sample report also has the following attributes:

  • Groups outstanding transactions by account.
  • Shows the document number for each transaction. For example, the sales invoice number.
  • Shows accounts receivable and accounts payable on a single report.
  • Calculates subtotals of aged debt per age band for each account, and grand totals for each document number.

All of these attributes can be customized.

Customizing the Sample Report

You can customize the sample report to suit your organization's needs.

To customize the report:

  1. From the report run page, click Customize to open the As of Aging by Account report in the report builder.
  2. You can customize the fields, layout, and presentation of report data as described in the Salesforce Help topic "Build a New Report".

See Reports Home and the Salesforce Help for further information.

Suggested Customizations

  • You can present transaction information for accounts receivable or accounts payable by filtering the report data by general ledger account.
  • By default, the sample report displays transaction values in the home currency. You can customize the report to display values in the dual currency instead.
  • You can filter the report by account.

Change the default age bands used for the report

Your System Administrator can change the default age bands used in the As of Aging by Account Report—see Managing Custom Settings.