Background Matching Messages

ERP Cloud

If you have enabled the Matching from Cash Entry feature in Feature Console or are using the Background Matching Lightning page, the background matching process generates the following messages.

These are not dynamically translated and will always be stored on the Process Log in the language of the user that started the Background Matching process.


Additional Information

Cash Entry Line Item matching marked as completed but Cash Entry Line Item might not have been fully matched due to a service limitation. Review the outstanding value on the corresponding transaction line item. If there are any outstanding values, you can retry matching or match them manually.

This message is displayed for the following scenarios:

  1. The matching process encounters a service limitation and reaches the maximum number of retries.
  2. The matching process encounters a service limitation and is unable to determine if line item will be matched on retry.

Service limitations include matching line thresholds, matching reference thresholds and there being too many invoices or credit notes to match.

When service limitations are reached, the matching process retries automatically, reducing the scope size by half each time. the maximum number of retires is reached when the scope size is 1.

The process log is marked as "OK".

Cash Entry Line Item could not be matched or might be partially matched. The matching process will be retried automatically.

This message is initially displayed for either of the two scenarios above. The matching process retries until either the maximum number of retries is reached or the process cannot match the line item.

The process log is marked as "Pending".

For more information, see Async API Framework Retry Process

Cash Entry Line Item has not been matched. This could be because all available invoices or credit notes had already been matched before processing this item, or matching criteria restrictions prevented matching. No error occurred. This line item is available for matching.

The line item could not be matched for the reasons suggested. Change your matching criteria and rerun the process.

The process log is marked "OK".

Cash Entry Line Item matching failed with the following error: {0}

The matching failed with an identifiable standard eror. You should manually correct the error, if possible, and retry matching.

The process log is marked as "Error".

Cash Entry Line Item matched successfully. The process log is marked as "OK".