Background Matching Scheduler Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a list of the fields that make up the Background Matching Scheduler.

Key - * – Mandatory field, R – Read-only

Field Name




Schedule Name * R Background Matching Scheduler
Schedule Status * R

Status of the schedule:

  • Not defined
  • Active
Schedule Details *  

Displays details of the schedule, including the frequency and the preferred start time.

When configuring the schedule you can choose one of the following:

  • Hourly: Specify the interval at which you want the job to be repeated, for example every two hours. The Preferred Start Offset is the number of minutes after the hour when you would like the scheduler to run. So, for example, if you set the repeat interval to one hour and the preferred start offset to 15 min, and the time when you click Save is 09:10, the scheduler will first run at 09:15.
  • Daily: Enter the Preferred Start Time for the scheduler to run each day.
  • Weekly: Enter the day of the week and the Preferred Start Time for the scheduler to run on that day.
  • Monthly: Specify the day of the month, either by entering a number such as Day 17 of every month, or by specifying a pattern such as the third Tuesday of every month. Then set the Preferred Start Time.