Deleting Process Runs

ERP Cloud

Process runs are deleted by a scheduled job. To initiate this process, you must configure a scheduled job using the ffasync_RecordsDeletionScheduler class. For more details on how to schedule Apex jobs, please refer to the Salesforce Help.

The job only deletes process run records and their associated records once all processes have been completed. It is important that the Process Run has its finish time recorded, and this requirement applies to any related process runs as well.

If existing process runs are eligible for deletion and do not have finish times, you should verify whether those processes were completed successfully and contact your administrator or raise a support case.

When a process run is deleted, any associated process logs, process user group records, child process runs and child process logs are also deleted.

The number of days that process runs are kept before being deleted is determined by the Days To Keep Process Run & Logs setting in the Async API Framework  custom setting. The default value is 90.

You can also manually delete process runs and all associated process information.

You can only delete process runs if you are using Lightning.

To manually delete a process run.

  1. Click the Process Runs tab.
  2. Click the Process Run that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Run. A confirmation dialog displays.
  4. Click Delete.