About Cash Matching Account Groups

A cash matching account group is a group of up to 100 unique accounts that facilitates multi-account matching. An account can belong to one cash matching account group only and you can create either third-party or intercompany accounting groups. For example, you can add two accounts to a cash matching account group and then match the cash entries of one account with the transactions that belong to the other account. Adding more accounts to a cash matching account group enables you to perform more complex matches across multiple accounts within the group.


To use this feature, you must have the new Accounting - Cash Matching Account Group permission set assigned.

You can manage cash matching account groups from the Cash Matching Account Groups page. When you retrieve outstanding transactions during cash matching, the Select Account window provides you with two grids:

  • The Cash Entry Accounts grid, where you can select a cash entry account for the match. If the cash entry account belongs to a cash matching account group, you can then also select a transaction account that belongs to the same group. If the cash entry account does not belong to a cash matching account group, the account will also be used as a transaction account.
  • The Transaction Accounts grid, where you can select a transaction account that belongs to the same cash matching account group as the cash entry account you selected.

When managing cash matching account groups, note the following:

  • An account can belong to one cash matching account group only.
  • A cash matching account group can contain up to 100 unique accounts.
  • If the accounts selected during cash matching have different account currencies, you can only specify a document currency for the match.
  • To delete a cash matching account group, the group must contain no cash matching account group line items.