Combination Rules Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the objects used in the Combination Rules functionality.

Combination Rule Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Combination Rule object. This object stores the configuration of rules and dimensions for combination rules.

Combination Rule
Field Description
Combination Rule Setup A lookup to the combination rule setup.
Company The company you want to add this combination rule to.
Dimension 1 Required If selected, Dimension 1 is required. If deselected, Dimension 1 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 2 Required If selected, Dimension 2 is required. If deselected, Dimension 2 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 3 Required If selected, Dimension 3 is required. If deselected, Dimension 3 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 4 Required If selected, Dimension 4 is required. If deselected, Dimension 4 is not required. The default is deselected.
Effective Date From The date from which the rule applies.
Effective Date To

The date until which the rule applies.

Note: If you do not enter a date, the rule applies indefinitely.
General Ledger Account The general ledger account against which the dimension requirements will be defined.
Name The name of the combination rule (autonumber with a CR- prefix).

Combination Rule Line Item Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Combination Rule Line Item object. This object stores the exact dimension values required for a combination rule.

Combination Rule Line Item

Field Label


Combination Rule Master-Detail link to the related Combination Rule record.
Dimension 1 A lookup to Dimension 1. If specified, that value is required for dimension 1.
Dimension 2 A lookup to Dimension 2. If specified, that value is required for dimension 2.
Dimension 3 A lookup to Dimension 3. If specified, that value is required for dimension 3.
Dimension 4 A lookup to Dimension 3. If specified, that value is required for dimension 4.
Name The name of the combination rule line item (autonumber with a CRLI- prefix).

Combination Rule Setup Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Combination Rule Setup object. This object stores the combination rule setup definitions.

Combination Rule Setup

Field Label


Apex Job ID Unique identifier for the current batch Apex job.
Batch Process A lookup to the batch process that produced the error.
Combination Rule Setup Name The name of the combination rule.
Companies The companies you want to apply this rule to.
Dimension 1 Required If selected, Dimension 1 is required. If deselected, Dimension 1 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 2 Required If selected, Dimension 2 is required. If deselected, Dimension 2 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 3 Required If selected, Dimension 3 is required. If deselected, Dimension 3 is not required. The default is deselected.
Dimension 4 Required If selected, Dimension 4 is required. If deselected, Dimension 4 is not required. The default is deselected.
Effective Date From The date from which this rule applies.
Effective Date To

The date until which the rule applies.

Note: If you do not enter a date, the rule applies indefinitely.
GLAs The general ledger account against which the dimension requirements will be defined.
Status The status of the combination rule. The options are Active, Error, Inactive and Processing. The default is Inactive.

Combination Rule Setup Line Item

Here is a description of the fields on the Combination Rule Setup Line Item object. This object stores the combination rule line definitions.

Combination Rule Setup Line Item

Field Label


Combination Rule Setup

Master-Detail link to the parent object.
Combination Rule Setup Line Item Name The name of the combination rule line item (autonumber with a CRLI- prefix).
Dimension 1 Values The dimension 1 values included in this rule.
Dimension 2 Values The dimension 2 values included in this rule.
Dimension 3 Values The dimension 3 values included in this rule.
Dimension 4 Values The dimension 4 values included in this rule.

Combination Rules Error Log

Here is a description of the fields on the Combination Rules Error Log object. This object stores the error log entries for combination rules.

Combination Rules Error Log

Field Label


Combination Rule Setup

A lookup to the combination rule that produced the error.
Combination Rules Error Log Name The name of the combination rule error log (autonumber with a CREL- prefix).
Error Reason Information about the error produced when creating the combination rule.