Enabling the Consolidation Structure Feature

ERP Cloud

To enable the Consolidation Structure feature:

  1. Click the Feature Console tab.
  2. In the Features list, click Consolidation Group Structure Chart.
  3. Click Perform next to feature console step 1. This step adds the Consolidation Adjustment Company and Short Name fields to the Accounting Company layout. When the process completes, the status is set to "Done".
  4. Click Perform next to feature console step 2. This step adds new fields to the Company Ownership layout. When the process completes, the status is set to "Done".
  5. Click Perform next to feature console step 3. This step sets default values for the fields displayed in the Consolidation Group Structure Chart card and details page. When the process completes, the status is set to "Done"
  6. [Optional] Click Perform next to feature console step 4. This step assigns a value to the Short Name field in your accounting companies. When finished, click Mark as Done.

When all the steps are complete, use the Status slider in the Feature section to mark the feature as enabled.