Archiving Electronic Invoices

You can archive the sent and received electronic invoices by creating libraries in Salesforce files.

Warnings: When using the Storecove integration in the production environments, you must always enable archiving unless alternative arrangements exist.

To configure Storecove functionality and archive electronic invoices:

  1. Follow the feature steps available under the Electronic Invoicing with Storecove feature in the Feature Console. For more information, see the Setup information link in the feature description.

    Create the following libraries with exact names:

    Library for

    Library name

    Sent electronic invoices Sent E-Invoices
    Received electronic invoices Received E-Invoices

    After creating libraries, you must enable archiving of sent and received electronic invoices. Your administrator can grant or revoke access rights to the libraries by selecting Manage Library Members in the Salesforce Files Library page. For more information, see Managing Library Membership in the Salesforce Help.

  2. To enable archiving of the sent and received electronic invoices, perform either or both of the following on the Storecove Connector Lightning web component, under Archive Settings:

    1. Select the Archive Received E-Invoice checkbox. This enables the archive of received electronic invoices from your accounting system into Salesforce files.

      The accounting system receives a notification from Storecove that an invoice is ready to be received. The accounting system then receives the invoices from Storecove. Before creating payable invoices, the electronic invoices are archived. The received electronic invoices will then go through the payable invoice generation process. The received electronic invoices from Storecove are archived irrespective of whether the payable invoice creation is Success or Failure. The archived inbound invoices that fail to create a payable document are stored in an “Error” folder.

    2. Select the Archive Sent E-Invoice checkbox. This enables the archive of sent electronic invoices from your accounting system into Salesforce files.

      When sales invoices and sales credit notes sent as electronic invoices are delivered to the final recipient by Storecove, the status of the invoices is updated as "Delivered". The copies of the delivered invoices are downloaded from Storecove and archived in the Sent electronic invoices folder on the Salesforce library.

  3. The archive folders automatically created in the library folders use the naming convention: Account Name followed by Address Identifier. The files archived under these folders follow these naming conventions:

    Archived File

    Naming Convention

    Sent electronic invoices Company name followed by Internal Invoice number.
    Received electronic invoices Legal Entity ID followed by External Invoice number.

The archived electronic invoice files are in .txt format. You cannot preview large files, you can download and view them.


Attachments, if any, to sent and received electronic invoices are not archived in the library folders mentioned above. You can access them directly from the Files tab.