Calculate Tax Fields

ERP Cloud

The Calculate Tax confirmation is displayed when your organization is configured to use an external system for the calculation of tax, and you have clicked the Calculate Tax button on an invoice or credit note in Extended EditionClosed or Lightning Experience. If you are using Classic EditionClosed the calculated tax values are written to your document without displaying this confirmation page.

All fields are read-only.

Field Description
Document Date The document date
State The state that applied for any jurisdiction-level tax calculations.
Document Net Value The document's net value in home currency.
Composite Rate The composite tax rate. This is Total Tax divided by Document Net Value. In most cases this rate will be the same as the rate applied to each line, but it can be different especially if some lines are exempt or subject to special rules. For example, in an SUT company if the current document has two lines each with a net value of $100, and Line 1 is subject to a tax rate of 50% whilst Line 2 is exempt, the composite tax rate will be 25%.
Total Tax The document's total tax value in home currency.


Key: L - Only available for the Lightning version

Button   Description
Accept Tax   Confirms the calculated tax value and returns you to the document. The calculated tax value replaces any value previously held in the document's Tax Value field. Any values previously held in the Tax Value 2 and Tax Value 3 fields are cleared.
Back to Document   Returns you to the document without accepting the calculated tax value.
Close L Returns you to the document without accepting the calculated tax value.

For details of how to configure your organization to use an external system for the calculation of tax, see Setting up External Tax Calculation