Creating Intersect Definitions

ERP Cloud

To create a new intersect definitionClosed:

  1. Click the Intersect Definitions tab.
  2. Click New next to Recent Intersect Definitions on the home page.
  3. Specify a unique name for the new intersect definition, such as "Cost Center Analysis".
  4. Do one of the following:

    - Select the Full Accounting Code field to store balances at all possible combinations of general ledger accountClosed, entityClosed and all four analysis dimensionsClosed.

    - Select a custom combination of the six elementsClosed that make up a full accounting codeClosed, such as general ledger account and dimension 1, on which to base your financial management accounts report.

  5. [Optional] If you want the Balance Update synchronization process to use this intersect definition, select the Update Secondary Balances checkbox. By default, this checkbox is clear (false) meaning that this intersect definition will not be used.
  6. When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the changes to the current record and then immediately begin to create another.
  7. If you selected the checkbox in the earlier step, you must run a Reporting Balance full synchronization now.