Creating Payment Templates

ERP Cloud

To create a new payment templateClosed: 

  1. Make sure your current companyClosed is the appropriate company for this new payment template.
  2. Click the Payment Templates tab.
  3. Click New next to Recent Payment Templates on the home page.
  4. Specify a unique name and enter a description for the new payment template.
  5. [Optional] After selecting the bank account, tab out to update the payment currency. The default is the bank account currency but you can change it to another accounting currencyClosed. All payment values are expressed in payment currency.
  6. Indicate whether this template will be used to create proposals that are to be issued on paper or by electronic transmission.
  7. Indicate whether this template will be used to create proposals that are payments or collections.
  8. Specify a general ledger account to filter the accounts available for selection. By default, only accounts that contain this control account will be included.
  9. Choose either Account or Document currency mode. The selected payment currency is used to filter the accounts or documents to be paid.
  10. Choose the default payment method to filter available accounts.
  11. Use the add and remove buttons to select one or more of the available accounts to be included by default.
  12. In the Analysis section, Select default general ledger accounts for currency write-offs and/or settlement discounts received.
  13. If the Alternate Account feature is selected, then the Local GLA Settlement Discount, Local GLA, Currency Write-Off, and Local GLA fields are populated on the Payment criteria page based on the chart of accounts mappings. Otherwise the General Ledger Account, Settlement Discount GLA, and Currency Write-Off GLA fields are used on the Payment criteria page.
  14. Click Save.
Note: When you create a payment proposal in Payments Plus, only a limited number of fields inherit the default values from the template in the Payment stage. If you want more flexibility with more default fields, use Vendor Payments to create the payment proposal. For more information, see About Vendor Payment Lightning.