Creating Payment Proposals

ERP Cloud

To create a payment proposal:

  1. Navigate to the Vendor Payment Lightning page and click New.
  2. In the New Payments window, complete the applicable fields. For more information about the payment fields, see Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience. The Payment Details tab is auto-populated with the information provided in the New Payments page and the transactions are loaded based on the filter criteria specified previously in the Payment details template.
  3. [Optional] If there are no transactions available in the proposal, then in the Line Items tab, click Add Items to Proposal. In the Add Payment Lines window that opens, select one or more transaction items to add to the proposal. You can search for the transactions by providing the following in the search area:
    • A few letters or words.
    • Transaction or invoice numbers.

    • You can also filter the transactions based on the default criteria or customize the criteria. For more information on customizing transaction filters, see Filtering Transactions for Proposals.You cannot add invoices that are on hold to a proposal. The "On Hold" transactions display with a lock and you cannot select to include them in the proposal.
  4. [Optional] You can also retrieve transactions into a proposal at this stage. To do this, in the Add Payment Lines window, click the icon.

    The transactions which were not included previously are retrieved. These transactions were not included in the proposal as they did not meet the payment template requirements. The retrieved transactions are not selected. This way you can identify the transactions that were previously added and those that are retrieved. You can select the required retrieved transactions to include in the payment proposal. You can also deselect transactions if you want to remove them from the proposal.

  5. Click Save to include the transactions to the proposal or Cancel to return to the Payment Line items tab without saving the changes. When the line items are included in the proposal, it is moved to the "Proposed" status.
  6. Depending on the payment method selected, perform any of the following:
    1. Click Prepare Electronic to process electronic payment for the payment proposal. The proposal is moved to "Ready to Post" status after the electronic payment is processed. If any payment is rejected by the Bank, you need to remove those lines from the proposal before posting and matching the document.
    2. Click Pay Now to process Asperato payments for the payment proposal. It creates, posts, and matches the entries. This button is visible only when the payment method is "Asperato" and the payment proposal is in “Proposed” status. The payment moves through “Ready to Post”, “Posting”, “Posted”, “Matching” and “Matched” statuses.

      Note: You cannot modify a proposal after you have proceeded with Pay Now.
    3. Click Prepare Checks to process Check payments for the payment proposal. It creates, posts, and matches the entries. This button is visible only when the payment method is "Checks" and the payment proposal is in “Proposed” status. The payment moves through “Ready to Post”, “Posting”, “Posted”, “Matching”, "Matched" and “Media Prepared” statuses.

    4. Click Print Checks to open the checks in a PDF format. Conga, a third party software is used to render the checks in PDF format as well as print them. To create Conga templates, navigate to Conga Templates and click New. The new blank template is available under Conga Templates | Related tab. For more information on editing conga templates, see Editing the Conga Templates for Accounting. The Print Checks button is not visible once the payment is moved to "Posted" and "Matched".

  7. [Optional] In the Payment Lines tab, click Remove Accounts from Proposal. In the Remove Accounts from Proposal window, select one or more accounts that you want to remove from the proposal. Provide a reason for removing the accounts from the proposal.
    Note: You can only remove accounts from proposal when it is in "Ready to Post" status.
  8. Click Post & Match to post and match the payment proposal. The proposal moves to the "Posting" status. The posting and matching of payment happens in the background. You receive an email when the process completes. The proposal is now moved to the "Matched" status. If you have selected Checks as the payment method, then the proposal is moved to “Media Prepared” status.
    Note: If you try to Post and match a payment without printing checks, a Post and Match warning window is displayed with options to:
    • Cancel: Cancels the post and match and takes you to the payment page.
    • Print Checks: Takes you to the Conga third party window where you can proceed with printing checks.
    • Post & Match: Posts and matches the payment without printing checks.
  1. [Optional] You can also discard the payment when it is in "Error" status. For more information about discarding payments, see Discarding Payments.
  2. [Optional] At this stage, you can also choose to cancel the payment. For more information, see Canceling Payments in Lightning Experience.
  3. Click Email Remittances to send remittances by email and/or Print Remittances to print remittances. Both these options use Conga integration version 2, a third party software.
    • The Email Remittances button only displays when the transaction level status is "Paid" and the payment status is "Matched" or "Part Canceled".
    • The Print Remittances button only display when the payment status is "Part Paid" or "Matched".